2024-11-06T07:50:59+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueIndustrial area, Suburb, Polluted, Old city, Picturesque, Ancient, Crowded, Shopping district, Business district, Bustling, Build bridges, Go back years, Get off on the wrong foot, See eye to eye, Get on like a house on fire, Rub shoulders with, Keep oneself at arm’s length, Be on the same pageflashcards
A part of a city where factories and manufacturing industries are located.
A residential area on the outskirts of a city, usually less crowded than the city center.
Contaminated or dirty, often used to describe air, water, or areas affected by harmful substances.
Old city
The historic part of a city, often with older buildings and narrow streets.
Visually attractive, often in a quaint or charming way.
Very old; belonging to the distant past, often related to historic sites or buildings.
Full of people, often resulting in limited space and movement.
Shopping district
An area in a city where many shops are located.
Business district
The part of a city where most of the commercial and financial businesses are found.
Full of lively activity; busy with movement and noise.
Build bridges
To create connections or improve relationships between people.
Go back years
To have known someone for a long time.
Get off on the wrong foot
To start a relationship or interaction badly.
See eye to eye
To agree or have the same opinion as someone else.
Get on like a house on fire
To quickly become good friends with someone.
Rub shoulders with
To spend time with people, especially in a social setting.
Keep oneself at arm’s length
To maintain a distance or avoid becoming too close with someone.
Be on the same page
To understand and agree with each other’s ideas or opinions.
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