2024-04-15T23:38:42+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>what is racial identity? what question could you ask?</p>, <p>what is ancestry? what can you ask about it?</p>, <p>what is spirituality?</p>, <p>what is religion?</p>, <p>what tool can you use to asses spirituality + religion?</p>, <p>what is difference between gender identity + sexual orientation?</p>, <p>what are the tenets of cultural humility?</p>, <p>how should you approach sexual orientation and gender identity?</p>, <p>what are the 3 levels of perception analysis?</p>, <p>what is a stigma vs halo effect?</p>, <p>what is the fundamental attribution error?</p>, <p>what is the self-serving bias?</p>, <p>what are the 5 things about culture?</p> flashcards
week 1: cultural humility + LGBTQ2S+ care

week 1: cultural humility + LGBTQ2S+ care

  • what is racial identity? what question could you ask?

    a social, cultural, and historical construct that artificially divides people into groups based factors such as phenotype, ancestry, national origin, etc., to facilitate and justify exploitation

    how would you describe your race or racial identity?

    How about that of your family?

    What have been your experiences within the health care system? Have you had

    any experiences that have caused you to lose trust in the health care system or your doctor?

  • what is ancestry? what can you ask about it?

    a process-based concept, a statement about an individual's relationship to other

    individuals in their genealogic history; thus it is a very personal understanding of one's genomic heritage

    - You mentioned you identify as an Irish-American. Tell me more about your family's history.

  • what is spirituality?

    “the aspect of humanity that refers to the way individuals seek and

    express meaning and purpose and the way they experience their connectedness to the moment, to self, to others, to nature, and to the significant and sacred.”

  • what is religion?

    “an organized system of beliefs, rituals, and practices with which an individual identifies and associates and includes a relationship with a divine being.”

  • what tool can you use to asses spirituality + religion?

    FICA tool

    F: faith and belief -- "Do you consider yourself spiritual or religious?"

    I: importance – “Has your spirituality influenced how you take care of yourself, your health?”

    C: community – “Are you part of a spiritual community? Is this of support to you and how?”

    A: address in care -- "How would you like me, your health care provider, to address these issues in your health care?"

  • what is difference between gender identity + sexual orientation?

    o Sex assigned at birth is generally determined by the appearance of a person's external genitalia at birth.

    o Gender identity is one's internal sense of gendero Gender expression is how an individual chooses to express gender.

    ▪  Establish pt’s preferred name and pronouns

    ▪  Use of inclusive terminology like “partner” as opposed to “husband/wife” until pt’s preferred terminology is established

  • what are the tenets of cultural humility?

    ▪  Practice lifelong learning

    ▪  Be comfortable not knowing

    ▪  Recognize dynamics of power and privilege

    ▪  Exercise self reflection and critique

  • how should you approach sexual orientation and gender identity?

    ▪ can use “I ask all my patients this” to preface a question that a person might take personally

    ▪  “two spirit” (2S)

    ●  A term developed by indigenous ppl

    ●  Describes experiences and connects with indigenous traditions relating to being

    queer or trans

    ●  A person who identifies as having both a masculine and feminine spirit

    ▪  Use inclusive and empowering language

    ●  Use ppl’s preferred name and pronouns

    ●  If make a mistake, apologize and move on

  • what are the 3 levels of perception analysis?

    ▪  Description: objective report with no social significance or attributions attached

    ▪  Interpretation: what we think about when we observe

    ▪  Evaluation: judgement of the behavior

  • what is a stigma vs halo effect?

    ▪  Stigma: a set of negative and often unfair beliefs that a society or group of ppl have about something

    ▪  Halo effect: the reverse of stigma, where a single trait that is viewd positively causes the person possessing the trait to be seen as possessing other desirable traits

  • what is the fundamental attribution error?

    when regarding others, we stop looking for alternative explanations for behavior and go with what we see or assume of the individual

    ● For ex, blaming a teenager’s age for being late

  • what is the self-serving bias?

    when we regard ourselves, we tend to see ourselves in the best light and blame outside forces as needed to protect our self-esteem

    ● For ex: blaming traffic when late

  • what are the 5 things about culture?

    culture saftey

    culture humility

    culture competence

    culture sensitivity

    cultural awareness