Diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane down the water gradient
water potential
The tendency for water to move in or out of a system via osmosis
Relatively low concentration/ high water potential
higher concentration of solute/ lower water potential
equal concentration
pure water
Highest water potential psi 0
solute potential
Solutes that lower the water potential
pressure potential (ΨP)
Provided by the cell wall pushing back and the hydrostatic pressure build on the inside
Plant cell that hold as much water a possible
Cytoplasm and membrane shrink and pull away from the membrane
Animal cell bursting
Incipient plasmolysis
50% of the membrane and cytoplasm has plasmolyised
Water potential equals 0
Solute potential = pressure potential
Pressure potential equals 0
Water potential = solute potential
Fully plasmolysed
Water potential is greater than solute of external medium
Organic solvents (ethanol)
Dissolves the phospholipids and membrane structure which creates large holes
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