2024-06-04T14:50:25+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueaffluence, clichéd, inextricably, Decency (decent), Adhere / adherence to, scour, confess, prerequisites, Abide by, Deprive of, precedence, In collaboration with, Thwart progress, Run up against problems, Exhilarat(ing /ed), earnestly, Conform to, idle, culprits, Pursue, pursuits, On a macro scale, embody, Conducive to, Forge amicable relationships, cultivate, The last thing we want to see, intriguing, await, vague, implore, Comply with, obsession, worthwhile, Judiciously, adage, Insights into, Put yourself into others’ shoes, Close-knit, Stands out to reason that, neighbourly, grasp, <p>come at the expense of</p>, <p>stressed out</p>, <p>done away with</p>, <p>avail ourselves of</p>, <p>studious</p>, <p>sound</p>, <p>spick and span</p>, <p>without regard for</p>, <p>make an endeavour</p>flashcards
Try the Chrome extension that turns your New Tab screen into a flashcards viewer!
The idea behind StudyLib Extension is that reviewing flashcards will be easier if we distribute all flashcards reviewing into smaller sessions throughout the working day.