2019-07-04T22:13:10+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Photography, Composition, Abstraction, Rule of thirds, Harsh light, Soft light, Diffused light, Line, Shape, Value, Space, Contrast, Emphasis, Rhythm, Variety, Balance, Symmetry flashcards


  • Photography
    “light writing”; the creation of images through the exposure of light
  • Composition
    the way the elements and principles of art are visually arranged
  • Abstraction
    to distort; to take a small part of a larger image to create a new
  • Rule of thirds
    a compositional format that divides a composition into 3 equal
  • Harsh light
    an intense light quality that creates bright highlights and dark
  • Soft light
    a subtle light quality that creates soft edges and a wide transitional
  • Diffused light
    light that has been “spread out”, for example through frosted glass
  • Line
    one of the basic elements of art, literal or implied.
  • Shape
    one of the basic elements of art, geometric (circle, square, triangle, etc.) or
  • Value
    an element of art concerned with the degree of lightness or darkness of a
  • Space
    an element of art that indicates areas between, around, above, below or
  • Contrast
    principle of art that refers to differences between elements such as
  • Emphasis
    one of the principles of art, refers to a center of interest in a
  • Rhythm
    a principle of art that refers to ways of combining elements to produce
  • Variety
    a principle of design concerned with the inclusion of differences in the
  • Balance
    a principle of art that refers to the arrangement of visual elements to
  • Symmetry
    compositional balance that is the same on both sides if split down the