2021-05-07T13:57:02+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true notion, amicable, congenial, repository , sequestered , Set about , Set aside, Set back, Set down, Set forth , Set in, Set off, Set on , Set out , Set up , Set up , Set upon , Phase in, Phase out , sought flashcards
vocabulary English

vocabulary English

  • notion
    a conception of or belief about something.
  • amicable
    having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement or rancor.
  • congenial
    pleasant because of a personality, qualities, or interests that are similar to one's own.
  • repository
    a building for storing goods. SYNO: depository, depot, magazine, storage, storehouse, warehouse
  • sequestered
    isolate or hide away. "she is sequestered in deepest Dorset"
  • Set about
    Set about
    Meaning: Initiate or begin some action Example: He set about designing his homepage. OR Meaning: Attack Example: Two youths set about him
  • Set aside
    Meaning: Separate and reserve something for a specific purpose Example: Plan to set aside three or four hours to see the museum.
  • Set back
    Meaning: Delay or obstruct Example: I expect it will set us back by a day or so, but I think a side trip will be worthwhile. OR Meaning: Remove from or allow distance Example: Set it back from the road by twenty or thirty feet. OR Meaning: Cost money, as Example: How much do you suppose that fancy dress set her back?
  • Set down
    Meaning: Write Example: I set down this account so others may benefit from my experience.
  • Set forth
    Meaning: Begin a journey or expedition Example: Columbus set forth with three small ships.
  • Set in
    Meaning: Take root, become established Example: That was the point at which the rot set in.
  • Set off
    Meaning: Leave; to begin a journey or trip Example: He set off in search of better opportunities. OR Meaning: Begin; to cause; to initiate Example: I had no idea that one simple comment would set off such a huge argument. OR Meaning: Cause to explode, let off Example: What a tragedy, that someone would set off a bomb in a crowded place. OR Meaning: Make angry Example: Don’t set him off or he won’t shut up all day. OR Meaning: Offset, to compensate for: to reduce the effect of, by having a contrary effect Example: My taxes did not increase because the amount of my raise was set off by my losses in the stock market.
  • Set on
    Meaning: Encourage someone, or an animal, to attack someone Example: I will set the dogs on you, if you don’t leave right now!
  • Set out
    Meaning: Explain something, or give exact details, usually in writing Example: This contract sets out all the terms of the agreement as we discussed. OR Meaning: Go out, leave Example: Tomorrow we set out for America. OR Meaning: Start an activity with the intention of finishing it Example: Many young people set out to change the world.
  • Set up
    Meaning: Ready something for use Example: We set up the sprinkler. OR Meaning: Trap or ensnare Example: I’ve got to set up that tasty rabbit. OR Meaning: Arrange for an outcome; to tamper or rig Example: The election was set up! OR Meaning: Gel or harden Example: Give the cement 24 hours to set up before walking on it.
  • Set up
    Meaning: Logically order Example: Set up my CD collection. OR Meaning: Cause to happen Example: Even a minor change can set up new bugs. OR Meaning: Provide the money or other support that someone needs for an important task or activity Example: A good breakfast really sets you up for the day. OR Meaning: Establish someone in a business or position Example: She set herself up as an interior designer. OR Meaning: Trick someone in order to make them do something Example: They claimed that they weren’t selling drugs, but that they’d been set up by the police.
  • Set upon
    Meaning: Attack someone Example: I was set upon by a couple of young thugs.
  • Phase in
    Meaning: Introduce gradually Example: They are PHASING IN the reforms over the next two years.
  • Phase out
    Meaning: Remove gradually Example: They have introduced a compact edition of the newspaper and are PHASING OUT the broadsheet edition over the next few months.
  • sought
    SEEK or Attempt to find (something) Example: ‘they came here to seek shelter from biting winter winds’ attempt, endeavour, strive, work, aim, aspire, do one's best, set out