2017-07-29T17:37:44+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Conjugate gaze palsy, Color blindness, Nyctalopia, Anopsia, Binasal hemianopsia, Diplopia, Quadrantanopia, Scotoma, Monochromacy, Hemeralopia, Amblyopia, Prosopagnosia, Macular degeneration, Akinetopsia, Scintillating scotoma, Dichromacy, Oguchi disease, Photophobia, Bitemporal hemianopsia, Homonymous hemianopsia, Leber's congenital amaurosis, Vision disorder, Eye strain, Illusory palinopsia, Chiasmal syndrome, Retinal migraine, Achromatopsia, Childhood blindness, Hallucinatory palinopsia flashcards
Visual disturbances and blindness

Visual disturbances and blindness

  • Conjugate gaze palsy
    Conjugate gaze palsies are neurological disorders affecting the ability to move both eyes in the same direction.
  • Color blindness
    Color blindness, also known as color vision deficiency, is the decreased ability to see color or differences in color.
  • Nyctalopia
    Nyctalopia /ˌnɪktəlˈoʊpiə/ (from Greek νύκτ-, nykt- "night"; ἀλαός, alaos "blind, not seeing", and ὄψ, ops "eye"), also called night-blindness, is a condition making it difficult or impossible to see in relatively low light.
  • Anopsia
    An anopsia or anopia is a defect in the visual field.
  • Binasal hemianopsia
    Binasal hemianopsia (or Binasal hemianopia) is the medical description of a type of partial blindness where vision is missing in the inner half of both the right and left visual field.
  • Diplopia
    Diplopia, commonly known as double vision, is the simultaneous perception of two images of a single object that may be displaced horizontally, vertically, diagonally (i.e., both vertically and horizontally), or rotationally in relation to each other.
  • Quadrantanopia
    Quadrantanopia, quadrantanopsia, or quadrant anopia refers to an anopia affecting a quarter of the field of vision.
  • Scotoma
    A scotoma (Greek σκότος/skótos, darkness; plural: scotomas or scotomata) is an area of partial alteration in the field of vision consisting of a partially diminished or entirely degenerated visual acuity that is surrounded by a field of normal – or relatively well-preserved – vision.
  • Monochromacy
    Monochromacy (mono meaning one and chromo color) is among organisms or machine the ability to distinguish only one single frequency of the electromagnetic light spectrum.
  • Hemeralopia
    Hemeralopia (from Greek ημέρα, hemera "day"; and αλαός, alaos "blindness") is the inability to see clearly in bright light and is the exact opposite of nyctalopia (night blindness).
  • Amblyopia
    Amblyopia, also called lazy eye, is a disorder of sight due to the eye and brain not working well together.
  • Prosopagnosia
    Prosopagnosia /ˌprɑːsəpæɡˈnoʊʒə/ (Greek: "prosopon" = "face", "agnosia" = "not knowing"), also called face blindness, is a cognitive disorder of face perception where the ability to recognize familiar faces, including one's own face (self-recognition), is impaired, while other aspects of visual processing (e.g., object discrimination) and intellectual functioning (e.g., decision making) remain intact.
  • Macular degeneration
    Macular degeneration, also known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD or ARMD), is a medical condition which may result in blurred or no vision in the center of the visual field.
  • Akinetopsia
    Akinetopsia (Greek: a for "without", kine for "to move" and opsia for "seeing"), also known as cerebral akinetopsia or motion blindness, is a neuropsychological disorder in which a patient cannot perceive motion in his or her visual field, despite being able to see stationary objects without issue.
  • Scintillating scotoma
    Scintillating scotoma, also called visual migraine, is the most common visual aura preceding migraine and was first described by 19th-century physician Hubert Airy (1838–1903).
  • Dichromacy
    Dichromacy (di meaning "two" and chroma meaning "color") is the state of having two types of functioning color receptors, called cone cells, in the eyes.
  • Oguchi disease
    Oguchi disease, also called congenital stationary night blindness, Oguchi type 1 or Oguchi disease 1, is an autosomal recessive form of congenital stationary night blindness associated with fundus discoloration and abnormally slow dark adaptation.
  • Photophobia
    Photophobia is a symptom of abnormal intolerance to visual perception of light.
  • Bitemporal hemianopsia
    Bitemporal hemianopsia (aka bitemporal heteronymous hemianopsia or bitemporal hemianopia) is the medical description of a type of partial blindness where vision is missing in the outer half of both the right and left visual field.
  • Homonymous hemianopsia
    Mobility can be difficult for people with homonymous hemianopsia.
  • Leber's congenital amaurosis
    Leber's congenital amaurosis (LCA) is a rare inherited eye disease that appears at birth or in the first few months of life, and affects around 1 in 80,000 of the population.
  • Vision disorder
    A vision disorder is an impairment of the sense of vision.
  • Eye strain
    Eye strain also known as asthenopia is an eye condition that manifests itself through nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue, pain in or around the eyes, blurred vision, headache and occasional double vision.
  • Illusory palinopsia
    Illusory palinopsia (Greek: palin for "again" and opsia for "seeing") is a subtype of palinopsia, a visual disturbance defined as the persistent or recurrence of a visual image after the stimulus has been removed.
  • Chiasmal syndrome
    Chiasmal syndrome is the set of signs and symptoms that are associated with lesions of the optic chiasm, manifesting as various impairments of the sufferer's visual field according to the location of the lesion along the optic nerve.
  • Retinal migraine
    Retinal migraine (also known as ophthalmic migraine, and ocular migraine) is a retinal disease often accompanied by migraine headache and typically affects only one eye.
  • Achromatopsia
    Achromatopsia (ACHM), also known as total color blindness, is a medical syndrome that exhibits symptoms relating to at least five conditions.
  • Childhood blindness
    Childhood blindness is an important cause contributing to the burden of blindness.
  • Hallucinatory palinopsia
    Hallucinatory palinopsia (Greek: palin for "again" and opsia for "seeing") is a subtype of palinopsia, a visual disturbance defined as the persistent or recurrence of a visual image after the stimulus has been removed.