2017-07-31T10:31:39+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Snake venom, Bufotenin, Tetrodotoxin, Batrachotoxin, Bufothionine, Epibatidine, Pahutoxin, Dermaseptin, Marinobufagenin, Arenobufagin, Myotoxin, Bufotenidine, Cinobufagin, Bufotalin, Allopumiliotoxin 267A, Pumiliotoxin 251D flashcards
Vertebrate toxins

Vertebrate toxins

  • Snake venom
    Snake venom is highly modified saliva containing zootoxins which facilitates the immobilization and digestion of prey, and defends against threats.
  • Bufotenin
    Bufotenin (5-HO-DMT, N,N-dimethylserotonin, bufotenine) is a tryptamine related to the neurotransmitter serotonin.
  • Tetrodotoxin
    Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a potent neurotoxin.
  • Batrachotoxin
    Batrachotoxin (BTX) is an extremely potent cardiotoxic and neurotoxic steroidal alkaloid found in certain species of frogs (poison dart frog), melyrid beetles, and birds (the pitohui, blue-capped ifrit, and little shrikethrush).
  • Bufothionine
    Bufothionine is a sulfur-containing compound which is present in the bufotoxins secreted by the parotoid gland of certain toads of the genera Bufo and Chaunus.
  • Epibatidine
    Epibatidine is an alkaloid that is secreted by the Ecuadoran frog Epipedobates anthonyi.
  • Pahutoxin
    Pahutoxin, formerly called ostracitoxin, is a neurotoxin present in the mucous secretions of boxfish (Ostraciidae) skin, while under stress.
  • Dermaseptin
    Dermaseptins are a family of peptides isolated from skin of the Phyllomedusa genus of frogs.
  • Marinobufagenin
    Marinobufagenin (marinobufagin) is a cardiotonic bufadienolide steroid secreted by the toad Bufo rubescens and other related species such as Bufo marinus.
  • Arenobufagin
    Arenobufagin is a cardiotoxic bufanolide steroid secreted by the Argentine toad Bufo arenarum.
  • Myotoxin
    Myotoxins are small, basic peptides found in snake venoms, (e.g. rattlesnakes), and lizard venoms (e.g. mexican beaded lizard).
  • Bufotenidine
    Bufotenidine, also known as 5-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyltryptammonium (5-HTQ), is a toxin related to bufotenin, serotonin, and other tryptamines which is found in the venom of a variety of toads.
  • Cinobufagin
    Cinobufagin is a cardiotoxic bufanolide steroid secreted by the Asiatic toad Bufo gargarizans.
  • Bufotalin
    Bufotalin is a cardiotoxic bufanolide steroid, cardiac glycoside analogue, secreted by a number of toad species.
  • Allopumiliotoxin 267A
    Allopumiliotoxin 267A is a toxin found in the skin of several poison frogs of the family Dendrobates.
  • Pumiliotoxin 251D
    Pumiliotoxin 251D is a toxic organic compound.