2023-07-06T08:18:11+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Bayanihan, Hakuna Matata, Manana Habit, Pride, Cheerful Personality, <p>Self-Appraisal</p>, <p>Self-Management</p>, Tacit Learners, Reflective Learners, Aware Learners, <p>Freud</p>, <p>Intimacy</p>, <p>28</p>, <p>Sexual Arousal</p>, <p>Consumers</p>, <p>Materialism</p>, <p>Exercise Intellectual Independence</p>, <p>Ritual</p>, <p>Karma</p>, <p>Karma</p>, Samudaya, Sangha Day, Logotherapy, Pesach, Eternal Life flashcards
  • Bayanihan
    It is giving without expecting something in return.
  • Hakuna Matata
    It means 'No Worries'.
  • Manana Habit
    Filipino term for PROCRASTINATION
  • Pride
    This is more precious than keeping a good relationship with family and loved ones.
  • Cheerful Personality
    They smile when they are happy, sad or sometimes even when they are angry.
  • Self-Appraisal

    It is your personal reflection on your knowledge and capabilities.

  • Self-Management

    It is the mental processes you employ using what you have in planning and adapting to successfully learn or accomplish a certain task.

  • Tacit Learners
    They are unaware of their metacognitive processes although they know the extent of their knowledge.
  • Reflective Learners
    They reflect on their thinking while they are using the strategies and will adapt their metacognitive skills depending on the situation.
  • Aware Learners
    They are aware of some of their metacognitive strategies but using techniques are not always planned.
  • Freud

    According to him, erogenous zones are areas of the mind that provide pleasure.

  • Intimacy

    This component refers to the feelings of closeness, connectedness, and bondedness.

  • 28

    The production of female sex hormones follows a cyclical pattern, on an approximately blank-day monthly cycle.

  • Sexual Arousal

    Cognitive factors thus play an important role in _ in humans.

  • Consumers

    are often viewed as victims of greedy companies. But take note that everyone has free will.

  • Materialism

    This does not make us happy. Do not pursue the wrong source of happiness.

  • Exercise Intellectual Independence

    This means be aware how consumerism controls your life. Ignore advertising.

  • Ritual

    This is the performance of ceremonial acts prescribed by a tradition or sacred law.

  • Karma

    Hindus believe that existence in a cycle of birth, death and rebirth, governed by this.

  • Karma

    This is a concept where the reincarnated life will depend on how the past life was spent.

  • Samudaya
    It means the truth of the origin of suffering.
  • Sangha Day
    Buddhist Celebrations during November.
  • Logotherapy
    It aids individuals to find personal meaning of life, whatever life situation they may be.
  • Pesach
    It means "passover".
  • Eternal Life
    After death, it will be achieved through faith in Jesus Christ.