2023-12-10T13:39:29+03:00[Europe/Moscow] af true What is politics, and why is it considered a natural aspect of human behavior according to Aristotle?, How does power inequality manifest within societies, and what role does it play in politics?, According to the text, what factors shape the political landscape of a country?, What is the significance of active citizenship in a democracy, and how does it relate to the empowerment of individuals?, Why is youth participation crucial in politics, and how does it contribute to the political landscape?, How is active citizenship associated with a "sense of community," and what role does it play in addressing minority concerns?, What are the benefits of engaging in active citizenship for the younger generation, and how does it impact positive youth development?, How does early exposure to politics and political systems impact the development of an individual's self?, In the context of the political self, when does political identity begin to form, and how does active citizenship contribute to its development?, What are the three general principles of digital citizenship, and why are they important in a highly-technological and digital world?, How does technology influence the beliefs, values, and behavior of individuals in the digital era, particularly the millennial generation?, In what ways can technology be a basis for evaluating the consistency of an individual's self, and what role does the internet play in this evaluation?, Why is digital literacy considered essential in the current job market, and how does it relate to the dynamic changes brought about by technology?, What is the perspective presented regarding the relationship between technology and society in the text, and how does it emphasize the role of individuals in defining their own identity? flashcards
USELF [Module 8 & 9]

USELF [Module 8 & 9]

  • What is politics, and why is it considered a natural aspect of human behavior according to Aristotle?
    Concerned with achieving and using power in a country or society. Aristotle suggested that man is a political animal by nature, driven to engage in political associations to satisfy social needs.
  • How does power inequality manifest within societies, and what role does it play in politics?
    It is observed in social hierarchies, where individuals in higher positions wield more power and influence than those in lower classes. The one holding power has a significant impact on political dynamics.
  • According to the text, what factors shape the political landscape of a country?
    The nature of politics and political systems is dependent on the culture of the state. Factors such as people's characteristics, cultural traditions, value orientations, economics, education, religion, and similar institutions contribute to shaping the political environment.
  • What is the significance of active citizenship in a democracy, and how does it relate to the empowerment of individuals?
    It enables democracy by allowing citizens to make informed choices and be heard. It involves engagement in formal political activities and is anchored on cognitive and behavioral participation in society.
  • Why is youth participation crucial in politics, and how does it contribute to the political landscape?
    It provides a breath of fresh air in raising issues and concerns, especially when cynical attitudes dominate among older individuals. The enthusiasm and optimism of youth can inspire change and bring new perspectives to political discussions.
  • How is active citizenship associated with a "sense of community," and what role does it play in addressing minority concerns?
    It fosters a sense of community, encouraging individuals, including adolescents, to participate in communal activities. It can facilitate ethnic pride and give a voice to minority community groups, addressing their concerns.
  • What are the benefits of engaging in active citizenship for the younger generation, and how does it impact positive youth development?
    Makes adolescents aware of societal issues, challenges, and concerns, leading to advocacies for reforms. It enhances the efficacy and competence of the younger generation, fostering values crucial for their holistic development as future leaders.
  • How does early exposure to politics and political systems impact the development of an individual's self?
    Early exposure to politics fosters critical thinking, the formation of advocacies, comprehension, and understanding. It also instills genuine concerns for the environment and communities, shaping the individual's self and contributing to long-term benefits.
  • In the context of the political self, when does political identity begin to form, and how does active citizenship contribute to its development?
    Political identity doesn't begin at the age of voting; it forms with active citizenship, awareness of community concerns, and engagement in political discourse during adolescence. These behaviors shape the millennial generation into effective agents of change.
  • What are the three general principles of digital citizenship, and why are they important in a highly-technological and digital world?
    Respecting oneself and others, educating oneself and others, and protecting oneself and others are the three general principles of digital citizenship. They are important for regulating human behavior in a digital world.
  • How does technology influence the beliefs, values, and behavior of individuals in the digital era, particularly the millennial generation?
    It heavily influences beliefs, values, and behavior, with online disinhibition being a concept related to one's digital self. The internet serves as a platform for showcasing personal traits, and technology shapes how individuals view themselves and express their sense of self.
  • In what ways can technology be a basis for evaluating the consistency of an individual's self, and what role does the internet play in this evaluation?
    Technology, including social media and internet-based applications, can be indicators of an individual's values and beliefs. The way individuals project themselves online can be compared to their behavior in physical settings, providing insights into the consistency of their self.
  • Why is digital literacy considered essential in the current job market, and how does it relate to the dynamic changes brought about by technology?
    Digital literacy is essential in the job market as companies and organizations require it for effective job performance. It ensures that individuals can adapt to the dynamic changes brought about by technology in the course of work.
  • What is the perspective presented regarding the relationship between technology and society in the text, and how does it emphasize the role of individuals in defining their own identity?
    The text emphasizes that while technology is here to stay and offers limitless opportunities, individuals should not let technology define them; instead, they should define themselves. Technology should complement human needs and behaviors rather than control society or lives.