2023-12-10T13:17:22+03:00[Europe/Moscow]aftrueWhat are the three levels of memory?, How does sensory memory operate?, What is the role of attention in the transfer from sensory to working memory?, According to the text, how has intelligence been defined?, How does Howard Gardner categorize intelligence in his Multiple Intelligence model?, According to Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of intelligence, what are the three aspects of intelligence?, How is learning defined in the context of the provided material?, What are the three factors connoted by the definition of learning?, Define self-efficacy., According to Bandura, how can self-efficacy be developed?, What is human agency, and how does it relate to learning?, What are the four aspects of human agency mentioned in the text?, How does the text describe the responsibility of students in the learning process?, What are the differences between deep learning and surface learning?, What habits can students engage in to adopt deep learning strategies?flashcards
Sensory memory, short-term or working memory, and long-term memory.
How does sensory memory operate?
It allows information from the external environment to be perceived by an individual via their senses, often with focus and intent.
What is the role of attention in the transfer from sensory to working memory?
Critical factor in the transfer from sensory to working memory.
According to the text, how has intelligence been defined?
It has been defined as an individual’s capacity for logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, planning, creativity, and problem-solving.
How does Howard Gardner categorize intelligence in his Multiple Intelligence model?
Proposes eight types of human intelligence, such as verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, naturalistic, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal.
According to Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of intelligence, what are the three aspects of intelligence?
The three aspects are componential (analytical), experiential (creative), and contextual (practical).
How is learning defined in the context of the provided material?
Defined as "a relatively permanent change in a person’s knowledge or behavior as a result of experience."
What are the three factors connoted by the definition of learning?
The change is long-term, comes from within the memory or knowledge structure, and is attributed to personal experience in the learner's environment.
Define self-efficacy.
Defined as "the extent to which we believe we can confidently learn and master a particular skill."
According to Bandura, how can self-efficacy be developed?
It can be developed through mastery experience, social modeling, improving physical and emotional states, and verbal persuasion.
What is human agency, and how does it relate to learning?
Refers to individuals being self-regulating and proactive. It relates to learning as individuals influence their own environments and other people.
What are the four aspects of human agency mentioned in the text?
Intentionality, forethought, self-reactiveness, and self-reflectiveness.
How does the text describe the responsibility of students in the learning process?
They are considered agents of their own learning, responsible for engagement, anticipating outcomes, and evaluating the entire learning process.
What are the differences between deep learning and surface learning?
Surface learning involves mere absorption of facts, rote memorization, and extrinsic motivation, while deep learning focuses on knowledge construction, meaningful connections, and higher cognitive skills.
What habits can students engage in to adopt deep learning strategies?
Taking down notes, asking questions during class, creating cognitive maps, engaging in collaborative learning activities, and going beyond mandatory course requirements.
Sensory memory, short-term or working memory, and long-term memory.
How does sensory memory operate?
It allows information from the external environment to be perceived by an individual via their senses, often with focus and intent.
What is the role of attention in the transfer from sensory to working memory?
Critical factor in the transfer from sensory to working memory.
According to the text, how has intelligence been defined?
It has been defined as an individual’s capacity for logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, planning, creativity, and problem-solving.
How does Howard Gardner categorize intelligence in his Multiple Intelligence model?
Proposes eight types of human intelligence, such as verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, naturalistic, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal.
According to Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of intelligence, what are the three aspects of intelligence?
The three aspects are componential (analytical), experiential (creative), and contextual (practical).
How is learning defined in the context of the provided material?
Defined as "a relatively permanent change in a person’s knowledge or behavior as a result of experience."
What are the three factors connoted by the definition of learning?
The change is long-term, comes from within the memory or knowledge structure, and is attributed to personal experience in the learner's environment.
Define self-efficacy.
Defined as "the extent to which we believe we can confidently learn and master a particular skill."
According to Bandura, how can self-efficacy be developed?
It can be developed through mastery experience, social modeling, improving physical and emotional states, and verbal persuasion.
What is human agency, and how does it relate to learning?
Refers to individuals being self-regulating and proactive. It relates to learning as individuals influence their own environments and other people.
What are the four aspects of human agency mentioned in the text?
Intentionality, forethought, self-reactiveness, and self-reflectiveness.
How does the text describe the responsibility of students in the learning process?
They are considered agents of their own learning, responsible for engagement, anticipating outcomes, and evaluating the entire learning process.
What are the differences between deep learning and surface learning?
Surface learning involves mere absorption of facts, rote memorization, and extrinsic motivation, while deep learning focuses on knowledge construction, meaningful connections, and higher cognitive skills.
What habits can students engage in to adopt deep learning strategies?
Taking down notes, asking questions during class, creating cognitive maps, engaging in collaborative learning activities, and going beyond mandatory course requirements.
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