2023-12-10T13:06:21+03:00[Europe/Moscow] af true What is the Socio-Digital Self, and how has technology impacted our socialization processes?, According to sociological perspectives, what are "role identities," and how does the salience of identity impact behavioral choices?, How does the internet affect our identity, and what is meant by the term "disembodiment" in the context of social media?, Define the Online Disinhibition Effect and elaborate on the two main categories of behavior associated with it., Identify and explain the six factors that cause online disinhibition., How does Dissociative Anonymity contribute to online disinhibition, and what role does it play in virtual interactions?, Explain the concept of Invisibility in the context of online interactions and its impact on behavior., What is Asynchronicity, and how does it contribute to the Online Disinhibition Effect?, Describe Solipsistic Introjection and its role in online interactions., Explain how Disinhibition and Personality are related in virtual interactions., What are some ways to manage online disinhibition, according to the provided text? flashcards
USELF [Module 4]

USELF [Module 4]

  • What is the Socio-Digital Self, and how has technology impacted our socialization processes?
    Refers to the influence of technology on social interactions. Technology, particularly social media, has made communication more accessible, regardless of proximity.
  • According to sociological perspectives, what are "role identities," and how does the salience of identity impact behavioral choices?
    Characters and roles individuals create within specific social positions. The salience of identity, determined by the level of commitment, influences behavioral choices in various situations.
  • How does the internet affect our identity, and what is meant by the term "disembodiment" in the context of social media?
    It can lead to disembodiment, where individuals separate themselves from their physical bodies while engaged in social media, allowing the adoption of identities independent of their physical existence.
  • Define the Online Disinhibition Effect and elaborate on the two main categories of behavior associated with it.
    Refers to behaving differently in virtual spaces than in face-to-face interactions. The two categories are benign disinhibition (increased self-disclosure and kindness) and toxic disinhibition (use of rude language, threats, engaging in harmful online activities).
  • Identify and explain the six factors that cause online disinhibition.
    Dissociative Anonymity, Invisibility, Asynchronicity, Solipsistic Introjection, Dissociative Imagination, and Minimized Status and Authority. Each factor contributes to the loosening of inhibitions in online interactions.
  • How does Dissociative Anonymity contribute to online disinhibition, and what role does it play in virtual interactions?
    Allows individuals to hide some or all of their identity in virtual interactions, creating a separation between their real and virtual selves. This anonymity can make individuals feel protected, enabling them to behave differently online.
  • Explain the concept of Invisibility in the context of online interactions and its impact on behavior.
    It arises from the text-based nature of virtual communication, providing a shield of virtual invisibility. This allows individuals to misrepresent themselves and engage in behaviors they might not consider offline.
  • What is Asynchronicity, and how does it contribute to the Online Disinhibition Effect?
    Refers to events in cyberspace not happening in real-time. This emotional hit and run effect allow individuals to post opinions, leave, and return later to see reactions. It also provides a temporary escape from negative content on social media.
  • Describe Solipsistic Introjection and its role in online interactions.
    Occurs when individuals assign traits to virtual personas they don't know visually. Interactions with these imagined characters feel more imaginary, and reading messages may lead to subvocalizing, creating a perception of talking to oneself.
  • Explain how Disinhibition and Personality are related in virtual interactions.
    It is influenced by an individual's personality. People can be predisposed to different levels of disinhibition based on their underlying feelings, needs, and drives. The intensity of these factors affects susceptibility to online disinhibition.
  • What are some ways to manage online disinhibition, according to the provided text?
    Don't post or send anything you would be embarrassed for certain others to see, Be careful about over-sharing, Avoid hanging out with the "wrong crowd" online and offline, Consider your emotional state before posting or responding, Consider the expected reactions from toxic disinhibition, and Search for yourself online.