2023-12-10T12:53:11+03:00[Europe/Moscow]aftrueWho is the philosopher associated with Idealism in Classical Antiquity?, What is the main focus of Socratic Philosophy?, According to Plato, where does moral virtue root, and what does it lead to?, What famous quote is attributed to Plato regarding an examined life?, Which philosopher in the Middle Ages adopted Platonism in their philosophy?, What is St. Augustine's view on knowledge and its relation to God?, According to St. Augustine, what virtues lead to happiness?, Who is the dominant rationalist philosopher during the Renaissance?, What is Descartes' famous statement that expresses his philosophical foundation?, What is John Locke's philosophical orientation, and where does he believe identity exists?, Which modern philosopher is associated with Psychoanalysis and the three-fold self?, What are the three components of Freud's three-fold self in Psychoanalysis?, According to Ryle, what is a common misconception about the mind?, What is Churchland's view on the relationship between neuroscience and beliefs?, In Meleau-Ponty's philosophy, what is the general medium for having a world?flashcards
Who is the philosopher associated with Idealism in Classical Antiquity?
What is the main focus of Socratic Philosophy?
Knowledge is the personification of good, and self-knowledge is the ultimate virtue leading to ultimate happiness.
According to Plato, where does moral virtue root, and what does it lead to?
Moral virtue roots in the intellect and leads to happiness.
What famous quote is attributed to Plato regarding an examined life?
Answer: "An unexamined life is not worth living."
Which philosopher in the Middle Ages adopted Platonism in their philosophy?
St. Augustine.
What is St. Augustine's view on knowledge and its relation to God?
All knowledge leads to God, and only the pure in heart can see God.
According to St. Augustine, what virtues lead to happiness?
Love of God, faith in Him, and understanding of His Gospel.
Who is the dominant rationalist philosopher during the Renaissance?
What is Descartes' famous statement that expresses his philosophical foundation?
"I think, therefore, I am."
What is John Locke's philosophical orientation, and where does he believe identity exists?
Locke is an empiricist, and he believes identity exists in consciousness alone.
Which modern philosopher is associated with Psychoanalysis and the three-fold self?
What are the three components of Freud's three-fold self in Psychoanalysis?
Id (pleasure principle), Ego (reality principle), Superego (morality principle).
According to Ryle, what is a common misconception about the mind?
The mind is not the seat of self; it is not a separate, parallel entity to the physical body.
What is Churchland's view on the relationship between neuroscience and beliefs?
A fully matured neuroscience will eliminate the need for beliefs, as they are not real.
In Meleau-Ponty's philosophy, what is the general medium for having a world?
The body is our general medium for having a world.
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