2024-04-24T21:49:19+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Examples of renewable resources</p>, <p>Examples of nonrenewable resources</p>, <p>Goal/pro/con of agricultural tech</p>, <p>Goal/pro/con of alternative energy tech</p>, <p>Goal/pro/con of industrial tech</p>, <p>Two key contributors to global warming</p>, <p>Three ways humans threaten biodiversity</p>, <p>Vocab: sustainability</p>, <p>Vocab: carbon footprint</p>, <p>Vocab: greenhouse effect</p>, <p>Vocab: invasive species</p> flashcards

Unit 7 Concept 4

Population ecology

  • Examples of renewable resources

    Oxygen, wood, water, sunlight, wind

  • Examples of nonrenewable resources

    Fossil fuels, metal, plastic

  • Goal/pro/con of agricultural tech

    Goal: increase food productivity

    Pro: fertilizers

    Con: farm machinery pollutes

  • Goal/pro/con of alternative energy tech

    Goal: provide “clean” energy to power society without negatively influencing the atmosphere

    Pro: decreases burning of fossil fuels

    Con: expensive

  • Goal/pro/con of industrial tech

    Goal: increase manufacturing efficiency, transportation, and communication

    Pro: cheaper industries

    Con: burning of fossil fuels

  • Two key contributors to global warming

    CFCs depleting ozone layer, fossil fuels increasing greenhouse gases

  • Three ways humans threaten biodiversity

    Habitat destruction and fragmentation


    Invasive Species

  • Vocab: sustainability

    A balance between Earth’s resources, human needs, and the needs of other species

  • Vocab: carbon footprint

    The amount of carbon emitted and its environmental impact

  • Vocab: greenhouse effect

    The normal warming effect when gases trap heat in the atmosphere

  • Vocab: invasive species

    Non-native species introduced to an ecosystem that negatively harms it