2024-04-24T21:48:45+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Factors that contribute to high population density</p>, <p>Factors that contribute to low population density</p>, <p>Logistic exponential population growth</p>, <p>Exponential population growth</p>, <p>Sketch three types of dispersion patterns</p>, <p>Examples of density-dependent limiting factors</p>, <p>Examples of density-independent limiting factors</p>, <p>Vocab: population</p>, <p>Vocab: population density</p>, <p>Vocab: survivorship curve</p>, <p>Vocab: carrying capacity</p>, <p>Vocab: limiting factors</p> flashcards

Unit 7 Concept 3

Population ecology

  • Factors that contribute to high population density

    Birth (natality) and immigration

  • Factors that contribute to low population density

    Death (mortality), emigration

  • Logistic exponential population growth

    Population grows quickly at first and then levels off

  • Exponential population growth

    Population grows without limit

  • Sketch three types of dispersion patterns

  • Examples of density-dependent limiting factors

    Competition, predation, parasitism, disease

  • Examples of density-independent limiting factors

    Weather changes, pollution, natural disasters

  • Vocab: population

    a group of organisms of the same species living in the same place

  • Vocab: population density

    Measures the number of individual organisms living in a defined space

  • Vocab: survivorship curve

    A graphic representation of mortality patterns

  • Vocab: carrying capacity

    The theoretical maximum population that a given environment could support

  • Vocab: limiting factors

    Aspects of the environment that limit the size a population can reach