2024-04-24T21:48:13+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Why must matter cycle?</p>, <p>List the stages of the water cycle</p>, <p>List the stages of the carbon cycle</p>, <p>List the stages of the nitrogen cycle</p>, <p>Unique feature of water cycle</p>, <p>Unique feature of carbon cycle</p>, <p>Unique feature of nitrogen cycle</p>, <p>Human impact on water cycle</p>, <p>Non-human impact on water cycle</p>, <p>Human impact on carbon cycle</p>, <p>Non-human impact on carbon cycle</p>, <p>Human impact on nitrogen cycle</p>, <p>Non-human impact on nitrogen cycle</p>, <p>Vocab: biogeochemical cycle</p>, <p>Aquifer</p>, <p>Eutrophication</p> flashcards

Unit 7 Concept 2

Biogeochemical cycles

  • Why must matter cycle?

    Since matter can neither be created nor destroyed, and Earth is a closed system, these essential nutrients must be continuously cycled

  • List the stages of the water cycle

    Precipitation, infiltration, runoff, evaporation, transpiration, condensation

  • List the stages of the carbon cycle

    Photosynthesis, cellular respiration, consumption, decomposition, fossilization, combustion

  • List the stages of the nitrogen cycle

    Nitrogen fixation, consumption, decomposition, ammonification, nitrification, denitrification

  • Unique feature of water cycle

    Driven by the sun

  • Unique feature of carbon cycle


  • Unique feature of nitrogen cycle

    No step completed without living organisms

  • Human impact on water cycle

    Pollution contaminates water

  • Non-human impact on water cycle

    Organisms release water when breaking down food for energy

  • Human impact on carbon cycle

    Burning fossil fuels causes huge uptick of CO2 in atmosphere

  • Non-human impact on carbon cycle

    Decomposers break down carbon from dead organisms

  • Human impact on nitrogen cycle

    Fertilizers add way too much nitrogen to soil

  • Non-human impact on nitrogen cycle

    Decomposers break down dead matter and return nitrogen to the soil

  • Vocab: biogeochemical cycle

    The movement of a particular form of matter through the living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem

  • Aquifer

    An underground layer of permeable rock that can hold water

  • Eutrophication

    When a body of water becomes overly enriched with nutrients, causing excessive algae growth