2023-11-06T18:05:50+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Events from egg and sperm to embryo</p>, <p>Specialized vs stem cells</p>, <p>Levels of organization from cell to organism</p>, <p>Two main purposes for cell division</p>, <p>Homologous chromosome pair before/after S phase</p>, <p>Interphase</p>, <p>Gap 1</p>, <p>Synthesis</p>, <p>Gap 2</p>, <p>Mitosis</p>, <p>Prophase</p>, <p>Metaphase</p>, <p>Anaphase</p>, <p>Telophase</p>, <p>Cytokinesis</p>, <p>Cytokinesis in plants vs animals</p>, <p>How do cells know when they need to divide?</p>, <p>Internal regulation</p>, <p>External regulation</p>, <p>Role of checkpoints</p>, <p>Role of apoptosis</p>, <p>Define tumors</p>, <p>Benign tumor</p>, <p>Malignant tumor</p>, <p>List causes of cancer</p>, <p>Differentiation</p>, <p>Stem cells</p>, <p>Cell cycle</p>, <p>Chromosome</p>, <p>Gene</p>, <p>Sister chromatids</p>, <p>Centromere</p>, <p>Telomere</p>, <p>Cancer</p>, <p>Metastasize</p>, <p>Carcinogens</p> flashcards

Unit 2 Concept 3

Cell Cycle and Cancer

  • Events from egg and sperm to embryo

    Sperm fertilizes egg -> fertilized egg (zygote) goes through cell division repeatedly -> embryonic stem cells differentiate and become embryo

  • Specialized vs stem cells

    Specialized: become tissues -> organs -> organ systems

    Stem cells: undifferentiated cells that become differentiated into one or more types of specialized cells

  • Levels of organization from cell to organism

    Organism: individual member of a species

    Organ system: set of organs working together for a common function

    Organ: set of tissues working together for a common function

    Tissue: group of cells working together for a common function

    Cell: most basic unit of life that has all the characteristics of life

  • Two main purposes for cell division

    Growth and repair

  • Homologous chromosome pair before/after S phase

  • Interphase

    Growth phase

    Gap 1, Synthesis, Gap 2

  • Gap 1

    cell grows and makes proteins

  • Synthesis

    DNA replication occurs, doubling chromosomes

  • Gap 2

    more cell growth and protein synthesis

  • Mitosis

    Division phase

    Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

  • Prophase

    chromosomes condense & are visible as sister chromatids (Xs), nuclear membrane disappears, spindle fibers form out of centrioles

  • Metaphase

    spindle fibers connect to the centromeres, chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell

  • Anaphase

    sister chromatids separate and become individual chromosomes, chromatids move to opposite ends of the cell

  • Telophase

    chromosomes decondense and start to look like chromatin again, nuclear membrane reforms, spindle fibers break down, cytokinesis begins

  • Cytokinesis

    division of cytoplasm into 2 individual cells

  • Cytokinesis in plants vs animals

    Plant cells: cell plate forms midway between divided nuclei and gradually develops into a membrane

    Animal cells: forms a cleavage furrow that pinches the cell into 2 equal parts

  • How do cells know when they need to divide?

    Cell cycle is controlled by a chemical control system that starts and stops

  • Internal regulation

    signals that come from the cell’s own nucleus (DNA inside of the cell)

  • External regulation

    signals that come from outside of the cell (Hormones, nutrients etc)

  • Role of checkpoints

    critical point where stop and go signals can regulate the cycle

  • Role of apoptosis

    internal/external signals activate genes that produce self-destructive enzymes (ex: web fingers/toes)

  • Define tumors

    clumps of cells that divide uncontrollably

  • Benign tumor

    abnormal cells that typically remain clustered together, may be harmless and easily removed

  • Malignant tumor

    cancer cells that break away from the tumor and move to other parts of the body

  • List causes of cancer

    Biological factors (age, skin type etc)

    Lifestyle choices (diet, exposure to UV radiation etc)

    Viruses and other infections (HPV)

    Exposure to carcinogens (tobacco, asbestos etc)

  • Differentiation

    a process that creates special structures and functions

  • Stem cells

    undifferentiated cells that become differentiated into one or more types of specialized cells

  • Cell cycle

    a repeated pattern of growth, DNA duplication and cell division that occurs in eukaryotic cells

  • Chromosome

    one long continuous thread of DNA that consists of thousands of genes and regulatory information

  • Gene

    a section of DNA with the instructions for making a protein

  • Sister chromatids

    two identical chromatids

  • Centromere

    region of the condensed chromosomes that looks pinched

  • Telomere

    ends of the DNA molecule

  • Cancer

    uncontrolled cell division

  • Metastasize

    spreading of disease from one organ to others

  • Carcinogens

    cancer causing agents; chemicals that cause cancer by mutating DNA