2023-11-06T17:53:46+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Dynamic vs static equilibrium</p>, <p>Relationship between response to stimuli and homeostasis</p>, <p>Positive vs. negative feedback loops</p>, <p>Role of cell membrane in maintaining homeostasis</p>, <p>Passive vs active transport</p>, <p>Simple diffusion</p>, <p>Facilitated diffusion</p>, <p>Osmosis</p>, <p>Molecular pumps</p>, <p>Endocytosis</p>, <p>Exocytosis</p>, <p>Hypotonic solution</p>, <p>Isotonic solution</p>, <p>Hypertonic solution</p>, <p>Homeostasis</p>, <p>Solute</p>, <p>Solvent</p>, <p>Solution</p>, <p>Concentration []</p> flashcards

Unit 2 Concept 2

Cell transport

  • Dynamic vs static equilibrium

    Dynamic: things change but stay within a range

    Static: things stay the same

  • Relationship between response to stimuli and homeostasis

    Organisms take in stimuli and respond to them to maintain homeostasis

  • Positive vs. negative feedback loops

    Positive feedback loops: output intensifies the response

    1. human child birth

    2. fruit ripening

    Negative feedback loops: output causes counter response to return to set point

    1. human body temp

    2. blood pressure regulation

  • Role of cell membrane in maintaining homeostasis

    Controls movement of things in and out of the cell (passive/active transport)

  • Passive vs active transport

    Passive: high to low concentration (down concentration gradient)

    Active: low to high concentration (against concentration gradient)

  • Simple diffusion

    spreading of molecules across membrane till equilibrium is reached

  • Facilitated diffusion

    transport protein helps facilitate diffusion of molecules that normally couldn’t pass through cell membrane

  • Osmosis

    simple diffusion of water across cell membrane

  • Molecular pumps

    cell uses energy to pump molecules across membrane

  • Endocytosis

    uses vesicles to move large particles into the cell

  • Exocytosis

    uses vesicles to export materials out of the cell

  • Hypotonic solution

    water higher than cell’s cytoplasm, cell swells

  • Isotonic solution

    identical water to cell’s cytoplasm, cell stays the same

  • Hypertonic solution

    water lower than cell’s cytoplasm, cell shrivels

  • Homeostasis

    need of an organism to stay stable by regulating internal conditions

  • Solute

    what gets dissolved

  • Solvent

    does the dissolving

  • Solution

    uniform mixture of two or more substances

  • Concentration []

    amount of solute dissolved in solvent