2023-09-14T04:27:51+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>six elements necessary for life</p>, <p>3 molecules that contain elements necessary for life</p>, <p>polar molecule</p>, <p>nonpolar molecule</p>, <p>cohesion</p>, <p>adhesion</p>, <p>high specific heat</p>, <p>less dense as a solid</p>, <p>terrific solvent</p>, <p>matter</p>, <p>atom</p>, <p>cell</p>, <p>surface tension</p>, <p>solution</p>, <p>solute</p>, <p>solvent</p>, <p>hydrophilic</p>, <p>hydrophobic</p> flashcards

Unit 1 Concept 2

Chemistry of Life

  • six elements necessary for life

    CHNOPS (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur)

  • 3 molecules that contain elements necessary for life

    H2O, O2, lipids

  • polar molecule

    unequal distribution of charges, dissolves in water

  • nonpolar molecule

    equal distribution of charges, does not dissolve in water

  • cohesion

    attraction between molecules of the same substance

  • adhesion

    attraction between molecules of different substances

  • high specific heat

    temperature of water does not change easily

  • less dense as a solid

    ice floats on water

  • terrific solvent

    most universal solvent

  • matter

    anything that has mass and takes up space

  • atom

    the smallest part of an element

  • cell

    most basic unit of life

  • surface tension

    how difficult it is to stretch or break the surface of a  liquid

  • solution

    uniform mixture of two or more substances

  • solute

    what is dissolved

  • solvent

    what does the dissolving

  • hydrophilic

    has an affinity for water

  • hydrophobic

    does not have an affinity for water