2017-07-28T21:55:59+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Royal African Company, British South Africa Company, Royal Niger Company, Muscovy Company, Portuguese East India Company, London Company, Comprador, Asano zaibatsu, Hutchison Whampoa, Swedish Africa Company, Levant Company, Mathmos, Company of One Hundred Associates, YESFX Ltd, Plus500, ABN Assets, CFAO, Casa da Índia, MMTC Ltd, North West Trading Company, Mississippi Company, Daweda Exchange, Company of Scotland flashcards
Trading companies

Trading companies

  • Royal African Company
    The Royal African Company was a mercantile company set up by the Stuart family and London merchants to trade along the west coast of Africa.
  • British South Africa Company
    The British South Africa Company (BSAC or BSACo) was established following the amalgamation of Cecil Rhodes' Central Search Association and the London-based Exploring Company Ltd which had originally competed to exploit the expected mineral wealth of Mashonaland but united because of common economic interests and to secure British government backing.
  • Royal Niger Company
    The Royal Niger Company was a mercantile company chartered by the British government in the nineteenth century.
  • Muscovy Company
    The Muscovy Company (also called the Russian Company or the Muscovy Trading Company, Russian: Московская компания, Moskovskaya kompaniya) was an English trading company chartered in 1555.
  • Portuguese East India Company
    The Portuguese East India Company (Portuguese: Companhia do commércio da Índia or Companhia da Índia Oriental ) was a short-lived ill-fated attempt by Philip III of Portugal to create a national chartered company to look after interests in Portuguese India in the face on encroachment by the Dutch and English following the personal union of the Portuguese and Spanish Crowns.
  • London Company
    The London Company (also called the Charter of the Virginia Company of London) was an English joint stock company established in 1606 by royal charter by King James I with the purpose of establishing colonial settlements in North America.
  • Comprador
    A comprador or compradore (Chinese: 買辦; pinyin: mǎibàn, or 江擺渡 jīangbăidù, or 康白度 kāngbăidù) is a native manager of European business houses in East and South East Asia, and, by extension, social groups that play broadly similar roles in other parts of the world.
  • Asano zaibatsu
    Asano zaibatsu (浅野財閥) was one of the major second tier zaibatsu in Japan, formed in 1887 with the support from Shibusawa Eiichi, the founder of the Shibusawa zaibatsu and "Father of Japanese capitalism".
  • Hutchison Whampoa
    Hutchison Whampoa Limited (HWL) is an investment holding company based in Hong Kong.
  • Swedish Africa Company
    The Swedish Africa Company (Swedish: Svenska Afrikanska Kompaniet) was a Swedish trading company, founded in 1649 on the initiative of the Walloon-Dutch merchant Louis De Geer and his son Laurens, for whom Sweden had become their second home.
  • Levant Company
    The Levant Company was an English chartered company formed in 1592.
  • Mathmos
    Mathmos is a British company that sells lighting products, most famously the lava lamp invented by its founder Edward Craven Walker.
  • Company of One Hundred Associates
    The Company of One Hundred Associates (French: formally the Compagnie de la Nouvelle France, or colloquially the Compagnie des Cent-Associés or Compagnie du Canada or Company of New France) was a French trading and colonization company chartered in 1627 to capitalize on the North American fur trade and to expand French colonies there.
  • YESFX Ltd
    YESFX Ltd is one of the leading firm in the fields of professional prop trading and technical analysis education based in Nicosia, Cyprus.
  • Plus500
    Plus500 is a company providing online trading services to retail customers.
  • ABN Assets
    The ABN assets is a global investment banking and securities trading companies.
  • CFAO
    CFAO is a multinational company engaged in the sale of manufactured goods, especially automobiles and pharmaceutical products.
  • Casa da Índia
    Casa da Índia (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈkazɐ dɐ ˈĩdiɐ], India House) was the Portuguese organization that managed all overseas territories during the heyday of the Portuguese Empire in the 16th century.
  • MMTC Ltd
    MMTC Ltd., Metals and Minerals Trading Corporation of India, is one of the two highest earners of foreign exchange for India and India's largest public sector trading body.
  • North West Trading Company
    The North West Trading Company was organized in Portland, Oregon, United States in 1879 by Paul Schulze and Henry Villard in order to do business in Alaska.
  • Mississippi Company
    The Mississippi Company of 1684 became the Company of the West in 1717, and expanded as the Company of the Indies from 1719.
  • Daweda Exchange
    Daweda Exchange is a Cypriot-based Organized Trading Facility providing online trading services to retail customers.
  • Company of Scotland
    The Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies, also called the Scottish Darien Company, was an overseas trading company created by an act of the Parliament of Scotland in 1695.