endothelial cells
What type of highly specialized cells of the kidney glomerulus wrap around capillaries and are neighbor cells of the Bowman’s capsule?
foot process effacement
________is known to occur when podocytes are injured, mutated, or lost, leading to proteinuric kidney diseases.
arcuate arteries
Blood flows from the interlobar artery of the kidney into what structures?
bowman's capsule
At which of the following locations does fluid (filtered blood by the glomerulus) enter the nephron?
macula densa cells
Which of the following cells detect changes in distal tubular fluid composition and transmit signals to the glomerular vascular elements?
Is the following statement true or false? Sympathetic nervous activity decreases blood flow to the kidney.
arcuate arteries
At the base of the pyramids, these arteries are referred to as: _______
Is the following statement true or false? Osmolality is a measure of the body’s electrolyte-water balance, which is the ratio between fluids and minerals in the body
principal cells of the collecting duct
Where does ADH cause water reabsorption?
Which renal adrenoreceptor is activated by the sympathetic nerve and directly increases renin secretion?
afferent arterial smooth muscle cells
Which cells express postjunctional β1-adrenergic receptors?
principal cells
In states of hypovolemia or hypernatremia, ADH is released from the posterior pituitary gland and binds to the type-2 receptor in ________ of the collecting duct.
Which second messenger activates protein kinase A (PKA), a phosphorylating enzyme that initiates an intracellular phosphorylation cascade?
hypervolemia; hypotension
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is a hormone secreted from the right atrium in response to atrial stretch from________ and in response to_________.
In osmosis, water always moves toward the______ solution: that is, toward the solution with the ________solute concentration.
a) hypotonic; lesser
b) hypotonic; greater
c) hypertonic; lesser
d) hypertonic; greater
The constriction of which of the following arterioles leads to a higher filtration fraction?
a) afferent arteriole
b) efferent arteriole
____ is defined as a depletion of the effective circulating blood volume.
Tubular dysfunction due to __ deficiency or insensitivity can also cause hyperkalemia.
a) aldosterone
b) angiotensin
c) renin
d) adh