2022-09-28T03:03:10+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>l,;</p>, <p>uhi3h2</p>, <p>green lefaf</p>, <p>Dirt is a main key to sucess for growing plants</p>, <p>Sand is not good to eat</p>, <p>An eye has a pupil</p> flashcards

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  • l,;


    Ok this is smoek smoke is performed

    Ok this is smoek smoke is performed

  • uhi3h2




  • green lefaf

    green lefaf



  • Dirt is a main key to sucess for growing plants

    Dirt is a main key to sucess for growing plants

    Fire is harmful to humans that are close to it

    Fire is harmful to humans that are close to it

  • Sand is not good to eat

    Sand is not good to eat

    Thunder is a form of electricity

    Thunder is a form of electricity

  • An eye has a pupil

    An eye has a pupil

    Blood inside the body safe until it is irritatted and blood releases

    Blood inside the body safe until it is irritatted and blood releases