2020-08-16T11:13:13+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Tissues, Meristematic Tissues, Apical Meristem, Intercalary Meristem, Lateral Meristem flashcards

Tissues -0

Helps you get thorough with the vocabulary various types of tissues in plant body.

  • Tissues
    cells grouped together in definite part of the body in an organism, arranged and designed so as to give the highest possible efficiency to carry out a particular function
  • Meristematic Tissues
    Meristematic Tissues
    Group of dividing cells, located at specific parts of the plant body concerned with bringing about growth in plants.
  • Apical Meristem
    Apical Meristem
    Cluster of dividing cells present at the growing tips of stems and roots and increases the length of the stem and the root in the plant.
  • Intercalary Meristem
    Intercalary Meristem
    Meristematic tissue or a cluster of dividing cells found at the base of the leaves or the inter nodes (on either sides of the node) on the stem.
  • Lateral Meristem
    Cluster of dividing cells or Meristematic tissue which helps to increase the girth or the thickness of the stem or root in plant which are perennial (live long on earth)