2024-09-18T19:33:35+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>group of cells of similar structure performing a common function</p>, <p>consists of tightly packed cells performing a layer that:</p><p>▪ cover body surfaces</p><p>▪ line internal organs &amp; cavities</p>, <p>functions: absorption &amp; secretion</p>, <p>- respiratory tract</p><p>- moves fluids in sweeping motion</p>, <p>- small intestine</p><p>- increase surface area ideal for absorption</p>, <p>- lungs &amp; lower digestive tract</p><p>- secrete mucus</p>, <p>important for achieving homeostasis as it borders the external &amp; body’s internal environment</p>, <p>faces the outside of an organ or inside of a tube/passageway</p>, <p>- consists of proteins &amp; polysaccharides</p><p>- separates from underlying tissues (barrier)</p><p>- regulates transport of materials between epithelial &amp; connective tissues</p>, <p>one layer cell</p>, <p>two or more layers of cells</p>, <p>one layer of cells but appear to be stratified because the cells vary in length</p>, <p>– thin &amp; flat (like floor tiles)</p><p>– exchange of materials via diffusion e.g., air sacs of the lungs</p><p>– for protection for abrasion e.g., skin</p>, <p>– cube-shaped (like a dice)</p><p>- large cytoplasm for secretion &amp; absorption of materials e.g., thyroid gland</p><p>– for protection e.g., mammary glands</p>, <p>– long (like bricks)</p><p>– large cytoplasm for secretion &amp; absorption of materials e.g., intestines</p><p>– for protection &amp; secretion e.g., female’s uterus, parts of pharynx</p>, <p>- sparse population of cells scattered in the matrix (ground substance)</p><p>- matrix (liquid/gel-like/solid) have embedded fibers</p>, <p>cell that secrete protein fibers &amp; macrophages that engulf foreign particles &amp; cellular debris by phagocytosis</p>, <p>– most common CT</p><p>–binds epithelial cells to underlying tissues (e.g., underneath the skin) &amp; holds organ in place</p><p>– consists of CT cells embedded in gel-like matrix with <strong>loose </strong>weave of fibers</p>, <p>- collagen protein</p><p>- for strength &amp; flexibility</p><p>- form ligaments &amp; tendons</p>, <p><strong>- </strong>reticulin protein</p><p>- join CT with other tissues</p><p>- stabilize cells &amp; blood vessels</p>, <p>- elastin protein</p><p>- for making tissues elastic</p>, <p>- does not have fibroblast or real matrix &amp; only few fibers</p><p>- function as cushioning against damage to body organs</p>, <p>- stores fat</p><p>- for protection (padding), insulation (prevent heat loss) &amp; energy storage</p>, <p>- collagenous fibers</p><p>– dense packing of fibers maximizes strength of tissues</p><p>– e.g., tendons (attach muscles to bones) &amp; ligaments (connects bones &amp; joints)</p>, <p>– include several different tissues with specialized cells &amp; unique matrices</p><p>– tissues could be solid or strong, fluid or flexible</p><p>– e.g., cartilage, bones &amp; blood</p>, <p>– strong but flexible gel-like matrix consists of collagen fibers</p><p>– the matrix is secreted by chondroblasts that matures into chondrocytes </p><p>– chondrocytes lie in cavities (spaces) called lacunae</p>, <p>- has chondrocytes</p><p>- few collagen fibers</p><p>- provides smooth surface for joints to move (knee)</p>, <p>- thick collagen fibers</p><p>- cushion structures &amp; absorbs shock (between vertebrate, knee joints)</p>, <p>- more elastic fibers in matrix</p><p>- maintain the shape of structure (external ear, nose)</p>, <p>- calcified matrix with many collagen fibers (bone not brittle)</p><p>– protects organs, stores calcium &amp; other minerals &amp; fat,</p><p>produces red &amp; white cells though the bone marrow</p>, <p>consists of repeating units called osteons (structural &amp; functional unit of bone)</p>, <p>located in lacuna &amp; communicate with canaliculi (hair-like canals)</p>, <p>– with a fluid extracellular matrix called plasma → water, salts &amp; dissolved oxygen</p>, <p>helps in CO<sub>2</sub> and O<sub>2</sub> exchange </p>, <p>fights against infections</p>, <p>helps in blood clotting</p>, <p>attach muscle to bones</p>, <p>attaches bones to joints</p>, <p>the matrix is secreted by </p>, <p>maturation of chondroblast</p>, <p>this is where chondrocytes are located or where their activities occur</p>, <p>–protects organs, stores calcium &amp; other minerals &amp; fat, produces red &amp; white cells though the bone marrow</p>, <p>most abundant tissue, for movement</p>, <p>consists of long cells which contains contractile proteins</p>, <p>senes stimuli and rapildy transmits signal from one part of the body to another </p>, <p>basic unit of the Nervous system</p>, <p>support and protects the Neurons</p>, <p>takes sensory infromation from the environment</p>, <p>these neurons communicate infromation from the brain to tissue and organ throughout the body allowing for movement</p>, <p>majority of the neurons, the middle man</p> flashcards
tissue earlsdasdasdasdasdasd

tissue earlsdasdasdasdasdasd

  • group of cells of similar structure performing a common function


  • consists of tightly packed cells performing a layer that:

    ▪ cover body surfaces

    ▪ line internal organs & cavities

    epithelial tissue

  • functions: absorption & secretion

    epithelial tissue

  • - respiratory tract

    - moves fluids in sweeping motion

    ciliated cell

  • - small intestine

    - increase surface area ideal for absorption

    cells with microvilli

  • - lungs & lower digestive tract

    - secrete mucus

    goblet cell

  • important for achieving homeostasis as it borders the external & body’s internal environment

    epithelial tissue

  • faces the outside of an organ or inside of a tube/passageway

    apical surface

  • - consists of proteins & polysaccharides

    - separates from underlying tissues (barrier)

    - regulates transport of materials between epithelial & connective tissues

    basal lamina

  • one layer cell


  • two or more layers of cells


  • one layer of cells but appear to be stratified because the cells vary in length


  • – thin & flat (like floor tiles)

    – exchange of materials via diffusion e.g., air sacs of the lungs

    – for protection for abrasion e.g., skin


  • – cube-shaped (like a dice)

    - large cytoplasm for secretion & absorption of materials e.g., thyroid gland

    – for protection e.g., mammary glands


  • – long (like bricks)

    – large cytoplasm for secretion & absorption of materials e.g., intestines

    – for protection & secretion e.g., female’s uterus, parts of pharynx


  • - sparse population of cells scattered in the matrix (ground substance)

    - matrix (liquid/gel-like/solid) have embedded fibers

    connective tissue

  • cell that secrete protein fibers & macrophages that engulf foreign particles & cellular debris by phagocytosis


  • – most common CT

    –binds epithelial cells to underlying tissues (e.g., underneath the skin) & holds organ in place

    – consists of CT cells embedded in gel-like matrix with loose weave of fibers

    loose connective tissue

  • - collagen protein

    - for strength & flexibility

    - form ligaments & tendons


  • - reticulin protein

    - join CT with other tissues

    - stabilize cells & blood vessels


  • - elastin protein

    - for making tissues elastic


  • - does not have fibroblast or real matrix & only few fibers

    - function as cushioning against damage to body organs

    specialized CT

  • - stores fat

    - for protection (padding), insulation (prevent heat loss) & energy storage

    adipose tissue

  • - collagenous fibers

    – dense packing of fibers maximizes strength of tissues

    – e.g., tendons (attach muscles to bones) & ligaments (connects bones & joints)

    fibrous tissue

  • – include several different tissues with specialized cells & unique matrices

    – tissues could be solid or strong, fluid or flexible

    – e.g., cartilage, bones & blood

    specialized CT

  • – strong but flexible gel-like matrix consists of collagen fibers

    – the matrix is secreted by chondroblasts that matures into chondrocytes

    – chondrocytes lie in cavities (spaces) called lacunae


  • - has chondrocytes

    - few collagen fibers

    - provides smooth surface for joints to move (knee)


  • - thick collagen fibers

    - cushion structures & absorbs shock (between vertebrate, knee joints)


  • - more elastic fibers in matrix

    - maintain the shape of structure (external ear, nose)


  • - calcified matrix with many collagen fibers (bone not brittle)

    – protects organs, stores calcium & other minerals & fat,

    produces red & white cells though the bone marrow


  • consists of repeating units called osteons (structural & functional unit of bone)

    compact bone

  • located in lacuna & communicate with canaliculi (hair-like canals)

    bone cells

  • – with a fluid extracellular matrix called plasma → water, salts & dissolved oxygen


  • helps in CO2 and O2 exchange

    red blood cells (erythrocytes)

  • fights against infections

    white blood cells (leukocytes)

  • helps in blood clotting

    platelets (thrombocytes)

  • attach muscle to bones


  • attaches bones to joints


  • the matrix is secreted by


  • maturation of chondroblast


  • this is where chondrocytes are located or where their activities occur


  • –protects organs, stores calcium & other minerals & fat, produces red & white cells though the bone marrow


  • most abundant tissue, for movement

    Muscle Tissue

  • consists of long cells which contains contractile proteins

    Muscle Fibers

  • senes stimuli and rapildy transmits signal from one part of the body to another

    Nervous Tissue

  • basic unit of the Nervous system


  • support and protects the Neurons


  • takes sensory infromation from the environment


  • these neurons communicate infromation from the brain to tissue and organ throughout the body allowing for movement


  • majority of the neurons, the middle man
