2021-10-23T14:54:44+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true reconvene Yet the law could be struck down by courts long before the red state legislatures [[reconvene]],if abortion rights groups can successfully show that people are being injured by the way the law cuts off access to the procedure. , ruinous “Is anyone willing to take that risk?” asked Mary Ziegler, a legal scholar at Florida State University who specializes in abortion law. “You would have to be willing to sue knowing that the 5th Circuit is not on your side, that the Supreme Court is probably not on your side and that you could face [[ruinous]] consequences if you don’t prevail.” , lawmaker But the question is whether the court essentially granted a grace period to a law that will cut off access to abortion in the state for weeks or months and invited [[lawmakers]] in other states to draft look-alike measures. , Buddhist Those outside the [[Buddhist]] Path may have different names and forms for them, but in reality they are substances that aid the Path. flashcards


  • reconvene Yet the law could be struck down by courts long before the red state legislatures [[reconvene]],if abortion rights groups can successfully show that people are being injured by the way the law cuts off access to the procedure.
    英 [ˌri:kənˈvi:n]美 [ˌriːkənˈviːn] 重新召集;重新召开 If a parliament, court, or conference reconvenes or if someone reconvenes it, it meets again after a break.
  • ruinous “Is anyone willing to take that risk?” asked Mary Ziegler, a legal scholar at Florida State University who specializes in abortion law. “You would have to be willing to sue knowing that the 5th Circuit is not on your side, that the Supreme Court is probably not on your side and that you could face [[ruinous]] consequences if you don’t prevail.”
    英 [ˈru:ɪnəs]美 [ˈruənəs] (花费等)极其昂贵的,贵得离谱的 If you describe the cost of something as ruinous, you mean that it costs far more money than you can afford or than is reasonable.
  • lawmaker But the question is whether the court essentially granted a grace period to a law that will cut off access to abortion in the state for weeks or months and invited [[lawmakers]] in other states to draft look-alike measures.
    英 [ˈlɔ:meɪkə(r)]美 [ˈlɔˌmekɚ] 立法者 A lawmaker is someone such as a politician who is responsible for proposing and passing new laws.
  • Buddhist Those outside the [[Buddhist]] Path may have different names and forms for them, but in reality they are substances that aid the Path.
    英 ['bʊdɪst]美 ['bʊdɪst] 佛教徒;佛门弟子 A Buddhist is a person whose religion is Buddhism.