2023-09-24T07:02:52+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Anterior Reference Points</p>, <p>Posterior Reference Points</p>, <p>Pneumothorax</p>, <p>Effusion</p>, <p>Hemothroax</p>, <p>Empyema</p>, <p>Pleurisy </p>, <p>Right Lung Characteristics</p>, <p>Left Lung Characteristics</p>, <p>When auscultating the lungs posteriorly. What lobe predominates? Which lobe is missing?</p>, <p>Right Mainstem Bronchi</p>, <p>Mediastinum</p>, <p>Hyperventalation</p>, <p>Hypoventalation</p>, <p>Voluntary Heart Rate Lowers HR bc</p>, <p>Pediatric respirations in the throacic cavity differ bc</p>, <p>peds risks respiratory</p>, <p>pregnancy causes what changes in the respiratory system</p>, <p>older adult respiratory risks</p>, <p>Signs of TB</p>, <p>Orthopnea</p>, <p>Healthy SO2 </p>, <p>Physical assessment of Respiratory System includes:</p>, <p>Clubbing </p>, <p>Barrell Chests indicates</p>, <p>Tactile Fremitus </p>, <p>APE To Man</p>, <p>Bronchial Sounds </p>, <p>Crackles </p>, <p>Weezing</p>, <p>stridor</p>, <p>S1 is the sound of</p>, <p>s2 is the sound of</p>, <p>When heart is in diastole the ventricles...</p>, <p>Systole begins when</p>, <p>Cardiac Output</p> flashcards
Thorax and Lungs

Thorax and Lungs

  • Anterior Reference Points

    Midsternal Line

    Midclavicular Line

    Anterior Axillary Line

  • Posterior Reference Points

    Vertebral Line

    Scapular Line

  • Pneumothorax

    air in pleural space

  • Effusion

    Serous fluid in pleural space

  • Hemothroax

    Blood in pleural space

  • Empyema

    puss in pleural space

  • Pleurisy

    inflammation of pleura

  • Right Lung Characteristics

    3 lobes (upper,middle,lower)

    Wider bc liver pushes it up, but shorter

  • Left Lung Characteristics

    2 lobes

    narrow bc heart pushes it in, but taller

  • When auscultating the lungs posteriorly. What lobe predominates? Which lobe is missing?

    Posterior is mainly Lower Lobe on both lungs, small portion of Upper lobe

    Right Middle Lobe can only be auscultated anteriorly

  • Right Mainstem Bronchi

    Larger and starighter than left

    tubes inserted into trachea more likely to follow right bc straighter

    secretes mucus to trap particles

    cillia elivator

  • Mediastinum

    Located: behind sternum

    @ center lower region of chest, slightly to left

    surrounded by pleura

    contains esophagus, trachea, heart, and great vessels

  • Hyperventalation

    Increase resp output (co2 leaving), blood becomes basic

  • Hypoventalation

    dec resp output (shallow breathing), CO2 buildup, blood becomes acidic

  • Voluntary Heart Rate Lowers HR bc

    activates parasymp system

  • Pediatric respirations in the throacic cavity differ bc

    they have deeper anterioir-posterior dimensions

  • peds risks respiratory

    exposure to smoke or prenatal smoke inc risk of sudden infant death syndrome and respiratory illness

  • pregnancy causes what changes in the respiratory system

    pregnancy causes:

    elevated diaphragm

    throacic cavity has enlarged width to compensate for dec length bc baby

  • older adult respiratory risks

    loss of elasticity in cartilage that connects ribs to sternum so they have in inc risk or fractures during CPR

    chronic respiratory disease can cause development of barrell chest

  • Signs of TB

    cough lasts 3 weeks +

    pain in chest

    cough up blood ( or pink frothy sputum)

  • Orthopnea

    airway improves when sitting up

    associated with Congestive Heart Failure

  • Healthy SO2


  • Physical assessment of Respiratory System includes:





  • Clubbing

    fingernails grow out and wide

    indicates chronic hypoxemia

  • Barrell Chests indicates


  • Tactile Fremitus

    palpate areas with palm of hand by having PT say 99 or blue moon, compare sides

    compare density

    areas of inc density=sternum, scapula

    areas of inc density when there should be an aerated lung would be abnormal and indicate liquid or mass in lung

  • APE To Man

    Aortic Valve (2nd intercostal space, Right Side)

    Pulmonary Valve (2nd intercostal space, Left Side)

    ERB's Point (3rd intercostal space, Left Side)

    Tricuspid Valve (4th intercostal space, Left Side)

    Mitral (5th intercostal space, Right Side, Midclavicular)

  • Bronchial Sounds

    Heard over trachea

    Long Inhalation, short exhale

  • Crackles

    aka rales

    alveoli popping open or air movement past secretions

  • Weezing

    musical sound

    restriction in lower airway

  • stridor

    high pitched sound,

    restriction of upper airway

  • S1 is the sound of


    AV valves closing at the beginning of systole.

  • s2 is the sound of


    SL valves closing at the end of systole

  • When heart is in diastole the ventricles...

    are relaxed and the AV valves are open allowing ventricles to fill

  • Systole begins when

    ventricles fill to capacity and the ventricular pressure cause the AV valves to close

  • Cardiac Output

    4-6L per minute