2021-05-24T10:26:17+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true 1. guarantor, 2. beware (verb) –, 3. entrepreneur (noun) , 4. flounder (verb) , 5. uphold (verb), 6. creditor (noun) , 7. proceed (against) (verb) , 8. lift (verb), 9. uncertainty (noun) , 10. lender (noun) , pursue (verb), , furnish (verb), enable (verb) – a, Credit flow (noun) –, Stand surety (phrase) , ought to (modal verb) – , consequence (noun) , a mountain of (noun), bad loans (noun) , expedite (verb) , 21. resolution (noun) , 22. stressed assets (noun) , 23. clutch (noun) , 24. proceedings (noun) , 25. default (verb), 26. make clear (phrase) , 27. carve out (phrasal verb) , , 28. species (noun) , 29. given (preposition) , , 30. intimate (adjective) , 31. stand a chance (phrase) , 32. substantially (adverb) , 33. relatively (adverb) , 34. affluent (adjective, 35. avail (verb) – u. , 36. run (verb) – , , 37. serve a notice (phrase) –, 38. aggregate (verb) – , 39. credit (noun) , 40. clear the air (phrase), 41. bound to (adjective) , 42. ongoing (adjective) , 43. extinguish (verb) , 44. liability (noun) , 45. arise out (verb), 46. haircut (noun) , 47. negotiate (verb) , , 48. wrinkle (noun), 48. wrinkle (noun) , 49. binding (adjective), 50. recourse (noun) , , 51. remedy (verb) , 52. invoke (verb) flashcards
The Hindu Vocabulary

The Hindu Vocabulary

  • 1. guarantor
    a person who provides a guarantee.
  • 2. beware (verb) –
    be wary, be careful, look out, be on the alert.
  • 3. entrepreneur (noun)
    businessman, businesswoman, business person.
  • 4. flounder (verb)
    struggle financially, have difficulty, face financial ruin, be in difficulties, be in dire straits.
  • 5. uphold (verb)
    confirm, endorse/approve, vindicate/validate.
  • 6. creditor (noun)
    lender; an entity (person or institution) to whom money is owed by a debtor (borrower).
  • 7. proceed (against) (verb)
    begin/start an action against, start proceedings against sue, take to court.
  • 8. lift (verb)
  • 9. uncertainty (noun)
    unpredictability, unreliability, riskiness/precariousness.
  • 10. lender (noun)
    financial institution (bank which lends money.
  • pursue (verb)
    go after, run after, follow, chase; engage in, conduct, take part in (an activity).
  • , furnish (verb)
    provide, give, present, grant.
  • enable (verb) – a
    allow, facilitate, permit, authorize.
  • Credit flow (noun) –
    availability of credit.
  • Stand surety (phrase)
    become a guarantor/surety. ,
  • ought to (modal verb) –
    must, should.
  • consequence (noun)
    outcome, ramification, repercussion. ,
  • a mountain of (noun)
    a lot, a large amount/quantity of something.
  • bad loans (noun)
    non-performing assets (NPAs), stressed assets/loans; an account where the principal and/or interest remains overdue for a period of time.
  • expedite (verb)
    accelerate, speed up, quicken.
  • 21. resolution (noun)
    a plan with detailed steps to be followed by banks in case face any difficulty; solution/answer.
  • 22. stressed assets (noun)
    bad loans, sour loans, non-performing assets (NPAs
  • 23. clutch (noun)
    quantity, group, collection (of people/things).
  • 24. proceedings (noun)
    action, legal action/proceedings, lawsuit.
  • 25. default (verb)
    fail to pay, not pay (banks/lenders’ debt on time for various reasons).
  • 26. make clear (phrase)
    explain, clarify elucidate.
  • 27. carve out (phrasal verb) ,
    establish, develop, create something taking something from a larger whole with effort.
  • 28. species (noun)
    type, kind, sort.
  • 29. given (preposition) ,
    considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.
  • 30. intimate (adjective)
    close, familiar
  • 31. stand a chance (phrase)
    the only possibility for success.
  • 32. substantially (adverb)
    considerably, significantly, largely.
  • 33. relatively (adverb)
    comparatively, proportionately, somewhat, to a certain extent/degree.
  • 34. affluent (adjective
    wealthy, well off, rich
  • 35. avail (verb) – u.
    se, utilize, take advantage of (an opportunity/resources)
  • 36. run (verb) – ,
    manage, administer, direct, control, govern.
  • 37. serve a notice (phrase) –
    to officially give legal notice to.
  • 38. aggregate (verb) –
    combine, total, mix, collect.
  • 39. credit (noun)
  • 40. clear the air (phrase)
    reduce the tense situation; restore harmony, make peace, reconcile differences.
  • 41. bound to (adjective)
    certain, sure, very likely, guaranteed.
  • 42. ongoing (adjective)
    current, existing, continuing
  • 43. extinguish (verb)
    eradicate, eliminate, wipe out, remove, put an end to.
  • 44. liability (noun)
    financial obligation debt, indebtedness
  • 45. arise out (verb)
    result, occur, accrue stem, ensue.
  • 46. haircut (noun)
    a reduction in the mentioned value of an asset
  • 47. negotiate (verb) ,
    get over, get past, cross, pass over (a difficulty)
  • 48. wrinkle (noun)
    difficulty, snag, obstacle/drawback. ,
  • 48. wrinkle (noun)
    difficulty, snag, obstacle/drawback.
  • 49. binding (adjective)
    compulsory, obligatory, imperative, mandatory, required, necessary, essential.
  • 50. recourse (noun) ,
    an action that can be taken to attempt to remedy a legal difficulty; option, possibility, alternative, possible course of action, resort, way out.
  • 51. remedy (verb)
    rectify, solve, fix, sort out.
  • 52. invoke (verb)
    resort to, have recourse to, call into use, use, put into effect, put into use.