What is the outer ear called?
The pinna.
What is the function of the pinna?
Amplifies and funnels sound waves into the ear.
(Larger surface area collects more soundwaves)
What is the ear canal also known as?
External auditory canal.
(aka external auditory meatus)
What is the function of the ear canal?
Act as an entryway for sound waves, which get propelled toward the tympanic membrane (ear drum).
What is the ear drum also known as?
Tympanic membrane.
What is the function of the tympanic membrane?
Vibrates transferring sound waves to the middle ear.
What are the ear ossicles (in order)?
Hammer, anvil, stirrup.
(malleus), (incus), (stapes).
What is the function of the ear ossicles?
Receive the vibrations from the eardrum. Amplify the vibrations, passing sound waves to the inner ear.
What comes after the ear ossicles?
The oval window.
What is the function of the oval window?
Separates the middle and inner ear. Passes vibrations from the stirrup/stapes to the cochlea.
What is the function of the cochlea?
Vibrations are transferred into electrical impulses by the organ of Corti within the cochlea.
What is the function of the cochlea/auditory nerve?
Carries electrical impulses from the cochlea to the brain.
What is the function of the semi-circular canals?
Respond to motion of the head/body. Responsible for balance and send impulses to the brain via the vestibular nerve.
What is the function of the eustachian tube?
To equalize air pressure between the atmosphere and the middle ear. Opens and closes to control air pressure.
What does the cochlea contain?
What does the eustachian tube contain?
What does the outer ear consist of?
Pinna, external auditory canal (ear canal), and tympanic membrane (ear drum).
What does the middle ear consist of?
Tympanic membrane (ear drum), the ear ossicles, and eustachian tube.
What does the inner ear consist of?
Cochlea, semi-circular canals, and vestibule/cochlea nerves.