The muscle consists of thousands of what...
What do your muscle cells consist of?
Mitochondria, nuclei, and a membrane called sarcolemma.
What do myofibrils form together?
Muscle fibre.
What do muscle fibres form?
Larger string-like bundles called fascicles.
What do fascicles form?
Large rope-like muscle organs such as your bicep.
What are the supportive sheaths of connective tissue inside the muscle called?
Epimysium, perimysium and endomysium.
What is epimysium?
Dense connective tissue which your entire muscle is wrapped in.
What is perimysium?
A sheath that surrounds the fascicles inside your muscle.
What is endomysium?
The innermost layer that surrounds and reinforces every muscle fibre.
What do myofibrils contain?
Sarcomeres which are made up of actin and myosin filaments.