What is identity?
Absolute sameness; individuality
Categories of identity
National identities
Transnational identities
Subnational cultures
National identities
Shaped by the languages, institutions, and overall cultural milieu that we are surrounded by; also based on a political or perceived emotional link to a specific territory
Subnational cultures
Subnational cultures are generally based in regionality, language, class, politics, shared history, or religion
An identity linked to an ethnic group; often characterised by shared language and customs, which differentiate themselves from other groups on the basis of culture
Transnational identities
International communities that form around specific comminalities such as religion
Tendency to view the culture of one’s own group as superior to that of others
Ascribed attributes
Characteristics assigned at birth by society; race & gender
Achieved attributes
Derived from membership of association; participation in sport, hobbies or work-related