2023-02-20T07:02:44+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>student's t-test</p>, <p>2-tailed test; null</p>, <p>2-tailed test; alternative hypothesis</p>, <p>1-tailed test; null</p>, <p>1-tailed test; alternative hypothesis</p>, <p>Assumption of normal distribution</p>, <p>assumption of variance</p>, <p>assumption of independence </p>, <p>normal distribution, equal variance, independence </p>, <p>student's t-test</p>, <p>Paired t-test</p> flashcards


  • student's t-test

    in statistics, a method of testing hypotheses about the mean of a small sample drawn from a normally distributed population when the population standard deviation is unknown.

  • 2-tailed test; null

    "There is not a difference between means OR their difference is 0" = what hypothesis/test?

  • 2-tailed test; alternative hypothesis

    "There is a difference between means or their difference is not 0"= what hypothesis/test?

  • 1-tailed test; null

    "Mean1 is greater than or equal to Mean 2 OR their difference is greater than or equal to 0"= what hypothesis/test?

  • 1-tailed test; alternative hypothesis

    "Mean 1 is less than Mean 2 or their difference is less than 0"= what hypothesis/test?

  • Assumption of normal distribution

    -variable on which the two groups are being compared is dispersed normally

  • assumption of variance

    -the variances of the variable in the two populations are equal

  • assumption of independence

    -the observations within each group and between each group are independent, meaning that knowing the value of any one observation tells us nothing about the value of another observation.

  • normal distribution, equal variance, independence

    What are the 3 assumptions for t-tests?

  • student's t-test

    Which test do we use for normally distributed, parametric data?

  • Paired t-test

    Which test do we use for non-parametric data (dependent)?