2017-07-31T00:54:08+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Aquatic ecosystem, Landscape ecology, Lithosphere, Habitat, Biogeochemistry, Food chain, Nutrient cycle, Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Novel ecosystem, Ecosystem services, Ecosystem diversity, Wildlife corridor flashcards
Systems ecology

Systems ecology

  • Aquatic ecosystem
    An aquatic ecosystem is an ecosystem in a body of water.
  • Landscape ecology
    Landscape ecology is the science of studying and improving relationships between ecological processes in the environment and particular ecosystems.
  • Lithosphere
    A lithosphere (Ancient Greek: λίθος [lithos] for "rocky", and σφαίρα [sphaira] for "sphere") is the rigid, outermost shell of a terrestrial-type planet or natural satellite that is defined by its rigid mechanical properties.
  • Habitat
    A habitat is an ecological or environmental area that is inhabited by a particular species of animal, plant, or other type of organism.
  • Biogeochemistry
    Biogeochemistry is the scientific discipline that involves the study of the chemical, physical, geological, and biological processes and reactions that govern the composition of the natural environment (including the biosphere, the cryosphere, the hydrosphere, the pedosphere, the atmosphere, and the lithosphere).
  • Food chain
    A food chain is a linear network of links in a food web starting from producer organisms (such as grass or trees which use radiation from the sun to make their food) and ending at apex predator species (like grizzly bears or killer whales), detritivores (like earthworms or woodlice), or decomposer species (such as fungi or bacteria).
  • Nutrient cycle
    A nutrient cycle (or ecological recycling) is the movement and exchange of organic and inorganic matter back into the production of living matter.
  • Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
    The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) is one of the last remaining large, nearly intact ecosystems in the northern temperate zone of the Earth.
  • Novel ecosystem
    Novel ecosystems are human-built, modified, or engineered niches of the Anthropocene.
  • Ecosystem services
    Humankind benefits in a multitude of ways from ecosystems.
  • Ecosystem diversity
    Ecological diversity is a type of biodiversity.
  • Wildlife corridor
    A wildlife corridor, habitat corridor, or green corridor is an area of habitat connecting wildlife populations separated by human activities or structures (such as roads, development, or logging).