2023-05-29T00:33:07+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Liberal democracy characteristics</p>, <p>Social democracy characteristics</p>, <p>Democratic decision making</p>, <p>Characteristics of majoritarianism</p>, <p>Advantages &amp; disadvantages (majoritarianism)</p>, <p>Characteristics of consociationalism</p>, <p>Advantages &amp; disadvantages (consociationalism)</p>, <p>Consociationalism democracy</p> flashcards
SU 6/7

SU 6/7

  • Liberal democracy characteristics

    Liberalism + democracy

    People should be sovereign

    Individual over society

    Oppose to redistribution of wealth & limits on private property

  • Social democracy characteristics

    Associated with socialism

    Collective control of economy

    Society over individual

    Social equality & redistribution of wealth

    Social justice

  • Democratic decision making

    Decisions by the people

    Majority principle applies

  • Characteristics of majoritarianism

    Priority given to the will of the majority

    Applied in direct & indirect democracies

    Majority make decisions that can be enforced of all

  • Advantages & disadvantages (majoritarianism)

    Decision making is easier, especially when plurality or relative majority applies (advantage)

    Minorities may be completely ignored & give rise to political stability (disadvantage)

  • Characteristics of consociationalism

    Grand coalition

    Mutual veto

    Principle of proportionality

    Segmental autonomy

  • Advantages & disadvantages (consociationalism)

    Wishes of the majority will be considered (advantage)

    Decision making is difficult (disadvantage)

  • Consociationalism democracy

    Stable democratic system in deeply divided societies that is based on power sharing between elites from different social groups