2023-05-28T23:38:21+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Ways in which citizens can participate in the political process</p>, <p>Indirect democracy</p>, <p>Semi-direct democracy</p>, <p>Direct democracy</p>, <p>Characteristics of indirect democracy</p>, <p>Semi-direct democracy</p> flashcards
SU 5

SU 5

  • Ways in which citizens can participate in the political process

    Electing representatives to act on their behalf

    Establishment of political parties

  • Indirect democracy

    Participation of the people in the political decision & tasks of government, with the intervention/mediation of a third party

  • Semi-direct democracy

    combination of indirect & direct democracy

  • Direct democracy

    Participation of the people in the political decision & tasks of government, without the intervention/mediation of a third party

  • Characteristics of indirect democracy

    Representatives (traditional system, proportional representation, mixed system)

    Electoral systems

  • Semi-direct democracy

    Mechanisms to ensure greater direct involvement of citizens in the affairs of the state