2023-05-04T00:39:16+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>b</p>, <p>c</p>, <p>ANOVA</p>, <p>f</p>, <p>ordinal</p>, <p>nominal</p>, <p>a</p>, <p>chi square</p>, <p>d</p>, <p>e</p> flashcards
Statistical Tests (Review)

Statistical Tests (Review)

  • b

    What statistical test do we run when we want to compare the means of several groups.

    a) chi-square

    b) One-Way ANOVA

    c) Repeated-Measures ANOVA

    d) Correlation

    e) T-Test

    f) Regression

  • c

    What statistical test do we run when comparing the population means of several groups with multiple observations.

    a) chi-square

    b) One-Way ANOVA

    c) Repeated-Measures ANOVA

    d) Correlation

    e) T-Test

    f) Regression


    -a technique to assess how one or more categorical independent variables affect a continuous dependent variable.

  • f

    What statistical test do we run when we want to evaluate the relationship between one or more independent variables (continuous) and a single continuous dependent variable?

    a) chi-square

    b) One-Way ANOVA

    c) Repeated-Measures ANOVA

    d) Correlation

    e) T-Test

    f) Regression

  • ordinal

    -A variable that allows the categories to be sorted is ordinal variables. Customer satisfaction (Excellent, Very Good, Good, Average, Bad, and so on) is an example

  • nominal

    -this variable's categories have no natural ordering. Example: Gender, Blood groups

  • a

    Which statistical test do we run when we want to find out whether a difference between two categorical variables is due to chance or a relationship between them?

    a) chi-square

    b) One-Way ANOVA

    c) Repeated-Measures ANOVA

    d) Independent T- Test

    e) Paired T-Test

    f) Regression

  • chi square

    -a statistical test that is used to compare observed and expected results. The goal of this test is to identify whether a disparity between actual and predicted data is due to chance or to a link between the variables under consideration

  • d

    Which statistical test do we run when comparing the means of two categorical independent variables?

    a) chi-square

    b) One-Way ANOVA

    c) Repeated-Measures ANOVA

    d) Independent T- Test

    e) Paired T-Test

    f) Regression

  • e

    Which statistical test do we run when comparing the means of two groups, and repeat the observation again a year later?

    a) chi-square

    b) One-Way ANOVA

    c) Repeated-Measures ANOVA

    d) Independent T- Test

    e) Paired T-Test

    f) Regression