2017-07-30T17:27:48+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Whispering, Vocal folds, Dyslalia, Stuttering, Palate, Dysarthria, Speech-language pathology, Lisp, Cluttering, Augmentative and alternative communication, Language disorder, American Institute for Stuttering, American Speech–Language–Hearing Association flashcards
Speech and language pathology

Speech and language pathology

  • Whispering
    Whispering is an unvoiced mode of phonation in which the vocal folds (vocal cords) are adducted so that they do not vibrate; air passes between the arytenoid cartilages to create audible turbulence during speech.
  • Vocal folds
    The vocal folds, also known commonly as vocal cords or voice reeds, are composed of twin infoldings of mucous membrane stretched horizontally, from back to front, across the larynx.
  • Dyslalia
    Dyslalia means difficulties in talking due to structural defects in speech organs.
  • Stuttering
    Stuttering (/ˈstʌtərɪŋ/) or stammering (/ˈstæmərɪŋ/) (alalia syllabaris, alalia literalis or anarthria literalis) is a speech disorder in which the flow of speech is disrupted by involuntary repetitions and prolongations of sounds, syllables, words or phrases as well as involuntary silent pauses or blocks in which the person who stutters is unable to produce sounds.
  • Palate
    The palate /ˈpælᵻt/ is the roof of the mouth in humans and other mammals.
  • Dysarthria
    Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder resulting from neurological injury of the motor component of the motor-speech system and is characterized by poor articulation of phonemes (cf. aphasia: a disorder of the content of language).
  • Speech-language pathology
    Speech-language pathology is a field of expertise practiced by a clinician known as a speech-language pathologist (SLP), also called speech and language therapist, or speech therapist, who specializes in the evaluation and treatment of communication disorders, voice disorders, and swallowing disorders.
  • Lisp
    A lisp, also known as sigmatism, is a speech impediment in which a person misarticulates sibilants ([s], [z], [ts], [dz]), ([ʃ], [ʒ], [tʃ], [dʒ]).
  • Cluttering
    Cluttering (also called tachyphemia or tachyphrasia) is a speech and communication disorder characterized by a rapid rate of speech, erratic rhythm, and poor syntax or grammar, making speech difficult to understand.
  • Augmentative and alternative communication
    Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is an umbrella term that encompasses the communication methods used to supplement or replace speech or writing for those with impairments in the production or comprehension of spoken or written language.
  • Language disorder
    Language disorders or language impairments are disorders that involve the processing of linguistic information.
  • American Institute for Stuttering
    The American Institute for Stuttering is an American nonprofit organization that provides universally affordable speech therapy to people who stutter.
  • American Speech–Language–Hearing Association
    The American Speech–Language–Hearing Association (ASHA) is a professional association for speech–language pathologists, audiologists, and speech, language, and hearing scientists in the United States and internationally.