2021-06-17T23:14:33+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Sperm cell, Nerve cell, Muscle cell, Root hair cell, Xylem cell, Phloem cell flashcards

Specialised cells

Function and how the cell is specialised to carry out its job

  • Sperm cell
    Sperm cell
    Function - contains genetic information from the male parent. They have to swim towards the egg and fuse with it. How it is specialised for its job - Contains genetics -Tail to help it swim - Mitrochondria in middle for energy to swim. - Enzymes at front so the 2 nuclein can fuse together.
  • Nerve cell
    Nerve cell
    Function - They carry impulses around the body to enable us to respond to our environment. How it is specialised for its job - Nerve cells have long processes (axons) which allow impulses to be carried over long distance. The fatty covering around the axon stops the impulse leaking away. The end of the nerve cell has branches to connect to other nerve cells.
  • Muscle cell
    Muscle cell
    Function - to link with other muscle cells and move to make the muscle contract. How it is specialised for its job - It contains protein filaments which move to make the muscle contract and all the cells link together to make the whole muscle contract.
  • Root hair cell
    Root hair cell
    Function - found close to the root tip. They enable plants to absorb water and minerals. How it is specialised for its job -Have a large surface area to increase the surface area for the roots to take up water and minerals. - Large permanent vacuole that speeds up the movement of water from the soil into the cell by osmosis.
  • Xylem cell
    Xylem cell
    Function - Transport food, water and minerals. How it is specialised for its job - From tubes they carry minerals from the roots to the leaves, they have hair like projections to absorb water and they have reinforced walls containing lignin to make them strong.
  • Phloem cell
    Phloem cell
    Function - they transport dissolved sugars from the leaves. How it is specialised for its job - Nucleus and mitochondria provide energy. - Cytoplasm allows efficiency of movement. - Perforated sieve plates to allow the movement of substances through the phloem. - Two-way allows transport all of the plant.