2019-04-08T16:35:04+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entruedon't be upset, but, it was a slip of the tongue, I said it by mistake, I am sorry that, one hundred percent, without question, exactly right, most certainly, without doubt, in no case, that isn't true at all, that is an exaggeration, I really can't believe that, in principle that is true, but, admittedly that is true, but, that's one way to say it, only up to a certain point, certainly, why not?, I agree, that is all there is to say, that is all for now, to sum up, and there is the problem, I hope it is only a question of time, that remains to be seen, understandably, frankly speaking, between you and me, anyway, well then, well, as a matter of fact, how can I put it?, I must say that, firstly, secondly, I would like you to know that, I am afraid that, now and then it seems to me that, after all, as far as I am concerned, more and more, actually, all joking aside, now seriously, to be more precise, and what's more, while I am already talking about it, I would like to emphasize that, should I explain in greater detail?, allow me to say it another way, that is to say, nevertheless, even though, that sounds like, and that is why, thank you heartily, that is a good question, that is such a difficult question, once upon a time, long ago, can you tell me please, would you be interested in us talking about something else?, and what do you think?, to tell the truth, I presume that, I hope that, in my opinion, if that is true, I don't know exactly, I would like to think that, the way I see it is that, as you may know, I don't have a big interest in that, if I understand correctly, as you already know, that isn't such a big problem, that is a matter of opinion, as far as I know, I have the impression that, it is usually true that, you never know, but, I haven't thought about it before, but, if I am not mistaken, I am not certain whether, "like every other man, I have my own opinion on it, but, "I am not such an expert, but, she said something like, recently, I heard that, now it occurs to me that, by the way, I have an interesting story about it, and besides that, oh, I nearly forgot, and one more thing, on the other handflashcards
would you be interested in us talking about something else?
would you be interested in us talking about something else?
and what do you think?
¿y tú que piensas?
to tell the truth
al decir verdad
I presume that
imagino que
I hope that
espero que
in my opinion
en mi opinión
if that is true
si eso es verdad, entonces
I don't know exactly
no lo sé exactamente
I would like to think that
quiero pensar eso
the way I see it is that
yo lo veo de este modo
as you may know
como tal vez sabrás
I don't have a big interest in that
no tengo mucho interés por eso
if I understand correctly
a lo que yo entiendo
as you already know
como tú bien sabes
that isn't such a big problem
eso no es un problema tan grave
that is a matter of opinion
esa es cuestión de opinión
as far as I know
hasta donde yo sé
I have the impression that
me da la impresión de que
it is usually true that
usualmente es cierto que
you never know, but
nunca se sabe, pero
I haven't thought about it before, but
no lo había pensado, pero
if I am not mistaken
si no me equivoco
I am not certain whether
no estoy seguro si
"like every other man
como cualquier otro hombre
I have my own opinion on it, but
tengo mi propia opinión sobre eso, pero
"I am not such an expert, but
no soy ningún experto, pero
she said something like
ella dijo algo como
recently, I heard that
recientemente escuché que
now it occurs to me that
se me ocurre que
by the way
por cierto
I have an interesting story about it
"tengo una historia interesante sobre eso
and besides that
y encima de eso
oh, I nearly forgot
oh, casi lo olvido
and one more thing
y una cosa más
on the other hand
por otro lado
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