2025-02-18T17:21:19+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Phosphorus </p>, <p>nitrogen </p>, <p>Magnesium </p>, <p>Potassium</p>, <p>Molybdenum</p>, <p>Chloride</p>, <p>n, p, k, mg, mo, chloride</p>, <p>Boron </p>, <p>Calcium </p>, <p>Zinc</p>, <p>Iron </p>, <p>Manganese</p> flashcards
soil lab 3

soil lab 3

  • Phosphorus

    plants dark green, often developing purple or red color

  • nitrogen

    generalized yellowing of of light green, and no necrotic spotting

  • Magnesium

    localized chlorosis with interveinal chlorosis; leaves with red or with dead spots

  • Potassium

    localized, no interveinal chlorosis, chlorotic areas with a burning of leaf margins; spotting sometimes along leaf margins

  • Molybdenum

    generalized necrotic spotting on leaves, pale leaves sometimes scorched, cupped or rolled

  • Chloride

    No interveinal chlorosis, distinct chlorotic and necrotic lesions with abrupt boundart between dead and live tissue

  • n, p, k, mg, mo, chloride

    mobile nutrients

  • Boron

    young leaves of terminal bud become light green at bases leaves become twisted and brittle and die back at growing point, chlorosis of new leaves

  • Calcium

    young leaves of terminal bud typically hooked at first, finally turning brown and dying back

  • Zinc

    middle leaves with interveinal chlorosis stunted growth

  • Iron

    young leaves with interveinal chlorosis with sharp distinction between veins and chlorotic areas

  • Manganese

    young leaves with interveinal chlorosis with no sharp distinction between veins and chlorotic areas