2023-01-18T20:00:12+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Emile Durkheim</p>, <p>Harriet Martineau</p>, <p>W.E.B. Du Bois</p>, <p>Sociological Imagination</p>, <p>Sociology</p>, <p>probabilistic</p>, <p>empirical</p>, <p>sociological sympathy</p>, <p>sociological theory</p>, <p>standpoints</p>, <p>public sociology </p>, <p>yuval noah harari </p>, <p>maxine baca zinn and bonnie thornton dill</p>, <p>standpoint theory</p> flashcards

Sociology: INTRO (Science of Social Facts)

notes on the introductory chapter of the sociology textbook: terrible magnificent sociology (don't quote me on the title name lol)

  • Emile Durkheim

    French Social Scientist

    Pioneer of sociology as a science

    Popularized this study of people and relationships as a field as legitimate as the study of rocks in geology for example

    Coined term “social facts” in 1895

    products of human interaction with persuasive or coercive power that exist externally to any individual.bigger than any one person

  • Harriet Martineau

    British female philosopher

    Wrote first book concerning sociology research methods in 1834

    Emphasised need for sympathy in sociological research

  • W.E.B. Du Bois

    Black man

    studied statistics. 

    Used statistics to try and make white people understand the hardships of black Americans

  • Sociological Imagination

     imagine other how people's lives are shaped by what's around us

  • Sociology

    products of human interaction with persuasive/coercive power that

  • probabilistic

    likely research questions

  • empirical

    data rather than just theory; actually proven

  • sociological sympathy

    understanding others as they understand themselves

  • sociological theory

    empirically based explanations and predicions about relationships

  • standpoints

    points of view grounded in lived reality

  • public sociology

    the work of using sociological theoryy to make societies better

  • yuval noah harari

    israeli born historian. wrote about cooperation

  • maxine baca zinn and bonnie thornton dill

    women of color who pioneered standpoint theory

  • standpoint theory

    lived experience affects how one views and interprests the world around them/how they interact with it)