2024-10-01T05:31:28+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>sociological imagination </p>, Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Harriet Martineau, W.E.B. DuBois, Ethnography, survey, variable, operational definition, <p>how do we measure concepts?</p>, <p>operationalize </p>, <p>flow chart</p>, <p>culture </p>, <p>ethnocentrism </p>, <p>applied sociology </p>, <p>dependent variable </p>, <p>Sociologist have an advantage over other students/scholars because?</p>, <p>Personal trouble - example</p>, <p>what causes someone to develop an eating disorder?</p>, <p>concept </p>, <p>socialization</p>, <p>agents of socialization</p>, <p>experiment</p>, <p>hypothesis </p>, <p>independent variable</p>, <p>scientific method </p>, <p>value neutrality </p>, <p>suicide </p>, <p>The sociological imagination is the ability tosee the connection between biography, on theone hand, and history on the other. Given thefollowing two events, which one is most likelybiography, and which is history?</p>, <p>brainstorming </p>, <p>When one person is unemployed, itis a _________. When thousandsare unemployed, it is a _________</p> flashcards
soc 1 - exam 1

soc 1 - exam 1

  • sociological imagination

    an awareness of the relationship between an individual and the wider society, both today and in the past

  • Auguste Comte
    (early)created the term "sociology", French Enlightenment philosopher, believed in science of social world
  • Karl Marx
    (middle) Communist Manifesto, He predicted that ultimately the class conflict would lead to capitalist demise and that a new, classless society would emerge, classes are why political power and organization exist
  • Emile Durkheim
    (middle) set out to study "social fact" that influence individual action, and saw society as a body in that needed all parts to work in harmony
  • Max Weber
    (middle) Noticed protestants in capitalism, Rational calculation, efficiency and control replace effective ties, spirituality, and tradition
  • Harriet Martineau
    was a scholar and activist who introduced sociology to England. she insisted on the significance of studying domestic life to better understand a society. Focused on women. (womens rights, emancipation of slaves)
  • W.E.B. DuBois
    (later) First major African American sociologist, first to get doctoral degree, early criminology, civil rights activist, argued against scientific racism
  • Ethnography
    the scientific description of the customs of individual peoples and cultures, participant observation, interview, deep rich data
  • survey
    generates a lot of data from large number of people, random sampling, questions through interview or questionnaire
  • variable
    a logical collection of attributes
  • operational definition
    an explanation of a concept that is specific enough to allow a researcher to assess the concept
  • how do we measure concepts?

    we turn them into measurable variables using an operational definition

  • operationalize

    to list the steps we take to turn a concept into an operational definition

  • flow chart

    1. concept

    2. operational defintion

    3. operationalize

    4. variable and attributes

  • culture

    - important, influential

    - the foundation of how we see the world

    - determines how we see the "physical" world and the "social world"

  • ethnocentrism

    everyones culture looks strange to outsiders

  • applied sociology

    the application of sociological theories and methods to real-world problems and social issues

  • dependent variable

    the outcome that a researcher is trying to explain or predict, which is believed to change in response to variations in another variable

  • Sociologist have an advantage over other students/scholars because?

    no matter where they are, there is always something to study

  • Personal trouble - example

    being unemployed; someone who needs work to pay the the bills cannot find a job

  • what causes someone to develop an eating disorder?

    body image. diet, friends or family body shaming, tramautic events, depression, body dismorphia etc

  • concept

    a mental image that summarizes a set of similar observations

  • socialization

    life long process by which people learn the attitudes, values, behavior and knowledge appropriate for members of a particular culture

  • agents of socialization

    groups in which socialization takes place

  • experiment

    a research method that tests a hypothesis by manipulating variable and observing the outcomes

  • hypothesis

    a statement that predicts a relationship between two or more variable

  • independent variable

    the factor that a researcher controls in a study to observe its effect on another variable

  • scientific method

    an objective approach to study social phenomena by formulating a research question, gathering data through observation and analysis, testing hypothesis, and drawing conclusions based on evidence

  • value neutrality

    a principle of sociology that requires researchers to remain unbiased when collecting and analyzing data

  • suicide

    the most individual, personal event

  • The sociological imagination is the ability tosee the connection between biography, on theone hand, and history on the other. Given thefollowing two events, which one is most likelybiography, and which is history?

    1. is history and 2. is biography

  • brainstorming

    a method of shared problem solving in which all members of a group contribute ideas

  • When one person is unemployed, itis a _________. When thousandsare unemployed, it is a _________

    a personal trouble; public issue of social structure