2017-07-27T19:51:09+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Outer ear, Receptive field, Lamellar corpuscle, Posterior chamber of eyeball, Tactile corpuscle, Corpuscles of Herbst, Tactile corpuscles of Grandry, Inner ear, Middle ear, Tongue, Vomeronasal organ, Cercus, Muscle spindle, Bulbous corpuscle, Electroreception, Golgi tendon organ, Human nose, Semicircular canals, Optic cup (anatomical), Anatomy of the human nose flashcards
Sensory organs

Sensory organs

  • Outer ear
    The outer ear is the external portion of the ear, which consists of the auricle (also pinna) and the ear canal.
  • Receptive field
    The receptive field of an individual sensory neuron is the particular region of the sensory space (e.g., the body surface, or the visual field) in which a stimulus will trigger the firing of that neuron.
  • Lamellar corpuscle
    Lamellar corpuscles, or Pacinian corpuscles, are one of the four major types of mechanoreceptor.
  • Posterior chamber of eyeball
    The posterior chamber is a narrow space behind the peripheral part of the iris, and in front of the suspensory ligament of the lens and the ciliary processes.
  • Tactile corpuscle
    Tactile corpuscles (or Meissner's corpuscles) are a type of mechanoreceptor.
  • Corpuscles of Herbst
    The corpuscles of Herbst or Herbst corpuscles are nerve-endings similar to the Pacinian corpuscle, found in the mucous membrane of the tongue, in pits on the beak and in other parts of the bodies of birds.
  • Tactile corpuscles of Grandry
    The tactile corpuscles of Grandry (or bulboid corpuscle) occur in the papillæ of the beak and tongue of birds.
  • Inner ear
    The inner ear (internal ear, auris interna) is the innermost part of the vertebrate ear.
  • Middle ear
    The middle ear is the portion of the ear internal to the eardrum, and external to the oval window of the inner ear.
  • Tongue
    The tongue is a muscular organ in the mouth of most vertebrates that manipulates food for mastication, and is used in the act of swallowing.
  • Vomeronasal organ
    The vomeronasal organ (VNO), or the Jacobson's organ, is an auxiliary olfactory sense organ that is found in many animals.
  • Cercus
    Cerci (singular cercus) are paired appendages on the rear-most segments of many Arthropoda, including insects and Symphyla.
  • Muscle spindle
    Muscle spindles are sensory receptors within the belly of a muscle that primarily detect changes in the length of this muscle.
  • Bulbous corpuscle
    The Bulbous corpuscle or Ruffini ending or Ruffini corpuscle is a slowly adapting mechanoreceptor found in the cutaneous tissue of humans.
  • Electroreception
    Electroreception is the biological ability to perceive natural electrical stimuli.
  • Golgi tendon organ
    The Golgi organ (also called Golgi tendon organ, GTO, tendon organ, neurotendinous organ or neurotendinous spindle) is a proprioceptive sensory receptor organ that senses changes in muscle tension.
  • Human nose
    The visible part of the human nose is the protruding part of the face that bears the nostrils.
  • Semicircular canals
    The semicircular canals or semicircular ducts are three semicircular, interconnected tubes located in the innermost part of each ear, the inner ear.
  • Optic cup (anatomical)
    The optic cup is the white, cup-like area in the center of the optic disc.
  • Anatomy of the human nose
    The visible part of the human nose is the protruding part of the face that bears the nostrils.