2024-06-07T03:00:41+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Auditing and Event Logs</p>, <p>IOAs</p>, <p>IOCs</p>, <p>SIEM</p>, <p>TIP</p>, <p>UEBA</p>, <p>SOAR</p>, <p>SNMP</p>, <p>SNMP Agent</p>, <p>Netflow</p>, <p>IPFIX</p>, <p>Flow</p>, <p>SCAP</p>, <p>CVE</p>, <p>CCE</p>, <p>CPE</p>, <p>CVSS</p>, <p>OVAL</p>, <p>Incident Playbook</p>, <p>Threat Modeling</p>, <p>Escalation Thresholds</p>, <p>IR Exercise- Walkthrough</p>, <p>IR Exercise- Tabletop</p>, <p>IR Exercise- Simulation</p>, <p>Validation</p>, <p>RCA</p>, <p>Direct Evidence</p>, <p>Circumstantial Evidence</p>, <p>eDiscovery</p>, <p>Legal Hold</p>, <p>Evidence Spoilation</p>, <p>Admissibility of Evidence</p>, <p>Weight of Evidence</p>, <p>Order of volatility</p>, <p>Volatile Data</p>, <p>Evidentiary Chain</p>, <p>GDPR</p>, <p>Checksum</p>, <p>Cluster</p>, <p>Slack Space</p>, <p>Unallocated (free) Space</p>, <p>Carving</p>, <p>Metadata</p>, <p>ISAC</p>, <p>STIX</p>, <p>TAXII</p> flashcards

Sec Plus 33%

Sections 17 and 21

  • Auditing and Event Logs

    Chronological records of events and actions. Sources include firewalls, IDS/IPS devices, proxy servers, OS, and databases

  • IOAs

    Indicators of Attacks. Behaviors or actions that suggest an attack that is happening or is about to happen

  • IOCs

    Indicators of Compromise. Evidence that a system may have been compromised

  • SIEM

    Security Information and Event Management. Automation tool for real-time data capture event correlation analysis and reporting

  • TIP

    Threat Intelligence Platform. Automation tool that combines multiple threat intelligence feeds and integrates with existing SIEM feeds

  • UEBA

    User and Entity Behavior Analytics. Automation tool that models the behavior of humans and machines to identify abnormal behavior

  • SOAR

    Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response. Responds to the alerts, triaging the data, and taking retaliation steps.

  • SNMP

    Simple Network Management Protocol. Allows administrators to monitor and manage network services. Provides a standardized framework, SNMP queries are GET requests

  • SNMP Agent

    Modules installed on managed devices

  • Netflow

    Cisco device that monitors network traffic and data by analyzing flow data. Is used for traffic analysis, capacity planning, bandwith utilization, malocious sources, detect anomalies.


    Industry standard protocol based on Netflow to give a vendor-agnostic format

  • Flow

    Sequence of events that share common characteristics

  • SCAP

    Security Content Automation Tool. A collection of open standards developed by NIST to automate the process of managing and evaluating security in computers.

  • CVE

    Common Vulnerabilities & Exposures

  • CCE

    Common Configuration Enumeration

  • CPE

    Common Platform Enumeration

  • CVSS

    Common Vulnerability Scoring System

  • OVAL

    Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language

  • Incident Playbook

    Set of Instructions for planning for an attack

  • Threat Modeling

    Process of anticipating threats

  • Escalation Thresholds

    The point which an incident or issue requires a higher level of response

  • IR Exercise- Walkthrough

    Review plans & procedures for completeness. Obj- accuracy

  • IR Exercise- Tabletop

    Scenario based group worship focused on the application of plans. Obj- familiarity, coordination, accuracy

  • IR Exercise- Simulation

    Scenario that simulates actual event. Obj- readiness

  • Validation

    If the incident has occurred, and the extent of the problem if it has

  • RCA

    Root Cause Analysis

  • Direct Evidence

    Supports the truth of an assertion directly

  • Circumstantial Evidence

    Relieds on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact. IE a fingerprint on a crime scene

  • eDiscovery

    Electronic Discovery

  • Legal Hold

    Order that suspends changing digital data

  • Evidence Spoilation

    Manipulating digital data

  • Admissibility of Evidence

    Can it be used in court?

  • Weight of Evidence

    Quality and completeness of evidence

  • Order of volatility

    Acquisition of evidence before it disappears

  • Volatile Data

    Data that is easily degradable

  • Evidentiary Chain

    Chain of custody- chronological documentation

  • GDPR

    General Data Protection Regulation. EU regulation that has very stringent breach disclosure and notification requirements

  • Checksum

    Value to detect errors

  • Cluster

    Fixed length blocks of disk space indexed in a table

  • Slack Space

    Space between the end of file and end of cluster

  • Unallocated (free) Space

    Clusters that aren't allocated to a file

  • Carving

    Process by which deleted files are recovered

  • Metadata

    Data about data

  • ISAC

    Information Sharing and Analysis Center

  • STIX

    Structured Threat Information Expression. Standardized language developed by MITRE for describing cyber threat info


    Trusted Automated eXchange of Intelligence Information. Defines shared cyber info. 3 models: Hub & Space, Source, and Peer-To-Peer