2017-07-30T11:18:01+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool, ChemSpider, PubChem, ENCODE, EPrints, Bibliography and Index of Geology, Bilbao Crystallographic Server, World Database on Protected Areas, TRANSFAC, MetaboLights, Sciclyc, Science Exchange (company) flashcards
Scientific databases

Scientific databases

  • Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool
    Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool (SMART) is a biological database that is used in the identification and analysis of protein domains within protein sequences.
  • ChemSpider
    ChemSpider is a database of chemicals which is owned by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • PubChem
    PubChem is a database of chemical molecules and their activities against biological assays.
    The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) is a public research project launched by the US National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in September 2003.
  • EPrints
    (For the digital version of a research document, see eprint.) EPrints is a free and open-source software package for building open access repositories that are compliant with the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting.
  • Bibliography and Index of Geology
    The Bibliography and Index of Geology is divided into Bibliography and index of North American geology and Bibliography and index of geology exclusive of North America.
  • Bilbao Crystallographic Server
    Bilbao Crystallographic Server is an open access website offering online crystallographic database and programs aimed at analyzing, calculating and visualizing problems of structural and mathematical crystallography, solid state physics and structural chemistry.
  • World Database on Protected Areas
    The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is the largest assembly of data on the world's terrestrial and marine protected areas, containing more than 161,000 protected areas as of October 2010, with records covering 236 countries and territories throughout the world.
    TRANSFAC (TRANScription FACtor database) is a manually curated database of eukaryotic transcription factors, their genomic binding sites and DNA binding profiles.
  • MetaboLights
    MetaboLights is a data repository founded in 2012 for cross-species and cross-platform metabolomic studies that provides primary research data and meta data for metabolomic studies as well as a knowledge base for properties of individual metabolites.
  • Sciclyc
    SciClyc is a biological database website built for biomedical scientists in academia and the biomedical industry.
  • Science Exchange (company)
    Science Exchange is an online service that allows scientists to outsource their research to scientific institutions such as university facilities or commercial contract research organizations.