2022-10-07T16:26:25+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Science</p>, <p>The latin word scire means?</p>, <p>Science</p>, <p>Science</p>, <p>Physical Sciences</p>, <p>Physics</p>, <p>Physicists study..</p>, <p>Who developed the Theory of Relativity</p>, <p>Chemistry</p>, <p>Who discovered pasteurization</p>, <p>Pasteurization</p>, <p>Astronomy</p>, <p>Earth Sciences</p>, <p>Geology</p>, <p>Oceanography</p>, <p>Paleontology</p>, <p>Meteorology</p>, <p>Life Sciences</p>, <p>Botany</p>, <p>Zoology</p>, <p>Genetics</p>, <p>Medicine</p> flashcards


  • Science

    is a systematic study that is concerned with facts and principles, and methods that could be observed in our natural or physical and social environment.

  • The latin word scire means?

    to know

  • Science

    both a body of knowledge and a process

  • Science

    a way of thinking, a way of solving problems

  • Physical Sciences

    Physics, Chemistry, Anatomy

  • Physics

    study of matter and energy and the interactions between them.

  • Physicists study..

    gravity, light, and time.

  • Who developed the Theory of Relativity

    Albert Einstein

  • Chemistry

    deals with the composition, properties, reactions, and the structure of matter

  • Who discovered pasteurization

    Louis Pasteur

  • Pasteurization

    Process of heating liquids such as milk and orange juice to kill harmful germs

  • Astronomy

    study of the universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere

  • Earth Sciences

    Geology, Oceanography, Paleontology, Meteorology

  • Geology

    science of the origin, history, and structure of the Earth, and the physical, chemical, and biological changes that it has experienced or is experiencing.

  • Oceanography

    exploration and study of the ocean

  • Paleontology

    science of the forms of life that existed in prehistoric or geologic periods.

  • Meteorology

    science that deals with the atmosphere and its phenomena, such as weather and climate.

  • Life Sciences

    Botany, Zoology, Genetics, Medicine

  • Botany

    study of plants

  • Zoology

    The science that covers animals and animal life.

  • Genetics

    study of heredity

  • Medicine

    science of diagnosing, treating, and preventing illness, disease, and injury.