2017-07-27T20:11:14+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Fluyt, Man-of-war, Snow (ship), Fire ship, Junk (ship), Windsurfing, Barquentine, Packet boat, Herring buss, Hulk (medieval ship type), Razee, Bristol Channel pilot cutter flashcards
Sailboat types

Sailboat types

  • Fluyt
    A fluyt (archaic Dutch: fluijt "flute"; Dutch pronunciation: [flœy̯t] ) is a Dutch type of sailing vessel originally designed as a dedicated cargo vessel.
  • Man-of-war
    The man-of-war (pl. men-of-war; also man of war, man-o'-war, man o' war, or simply man) was a British Royal Navy expression for a powerful warship or frigate from the 16th to the 19th century.
  • Snow (ship)
    In sailing, a snow, snaw or snauw is a square rigged vessel with two masts, complemented by a snow- or trysail-mast stepped immediately abaft (behind) the main mast.
  • Fire ship
    A fire ship or fireship, used in the days of wooden rowed or sailing ships, was a ship filled with combustibles, deliberately set on fire and steered (or, where possible, allowed to drift) into an enemy fleet, in order to destroy ships, or to create panic and make the enemy break formation.
  • Junk (ship)
    A junk is an ancient Chinese sailing ship design that is still in use today.
  • Windsurfing
    Windsurfing is a surface water sport that combines elements of surfing and sailing.
  • Barquentine
    A barquentine or schooner barque (alternatively "barkentine" or "schooner bark") is a sailing vessel with three or more masts; with a square rigged foremast and fore-and-aft rigged main, mizzen and any other masts.
  • Packet boat
    Packet boats were small boats designed for domestic mail, passenger, and freight transportation in European countries and their colonies, including North American rivers and canals.
  • Herring buss
    A herring buss (Dutch: Haringbuis) was a type of seagoing fishing vessel, mostly used by Dutch and Flemish herring fishermen in the 15th through early 19th centuries.
  • Hulk (medieval ship type)
    A hulk (or "holk") was a type of medieval sea craft, a technological predecessor of the carrack and caravel.
  • Razee
    A razee or razée /rəˈziː/ is a sailing ship that has been cut down (razeed) to reduce the number of decks.
  • Bristol Channel pilot cutter
    A Bristol Channel pilot cutter is a specialised sailing boat the style and design of which is derived from the single-masted cutter.