2017-07-29T11:25:26+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true 69230 Hermes, 202 Chryseïs, 189 Phthia, 192 Nausikaa, 323 Brucia, 33 Polyhymnia, 341 California, 352 Gisela, 354 Eleonora, 376 Geometria, 204 Kallisto, 208 Lacrimosa, 218 Bianca, 219 Thusnelda, 3 Juno, 179 Klytaemnestra, 149 Medusa, 73 Klytia, 230 Athamantis, 138 Tolosa, 80 Sappho, 132524 APL, 540 Rosamunde, 563 Suleika, 619 Triberga, 630 Euphemia, 685 Hermia, 68 Leto, 108 Hecuba, 116 Sirona, 119 Althaea, 126 Velleda, 71 Niobe, 43 Ariadne, 8 Flora, 15 Eunomia, 9 Metis, 11 Parthenope, 63 Ausonia, 151 Abundantia, 167 Urda, 169 Zelia, 17 Thetis, 174 Phaedra, 235 Carolina, 244 Sita, 25143 Itokawa, 270 Anahita, 287 Nephthys, 291 Alice, 292 Ludovica, 30 Urania, 443 Photographica, 82 Alkmene, 851 Zeissia, 883 Matterania, 878 Mildred, 913 Otila, 901 Brunsia, 915 Cosette, 525 Adelaide, 254 Augusta, 864 Aase, 800 Kressmannia, 802 Epyaxa, 812 Adele, 817 Annika, 839 Valborg, 905 Universitas, 939 Isberga, 963 Iduberga flashcards
S-type asteroids

S-type asteroids

  • 69230 Hermes
    69230 Hermes is an Apollo, Mars- and Venus-crosser binary asteroid that passed Earth at about twice the distance of the Moon on October 30, 1937.
  • 202 Chryseïs
    202 Chryseïs is a large, lightly coloured Main belt asteroid that is probably composed of silicate rocks.
  • 189 Phthia
    189 Phthia is a bright-coloured, rocky main belt asteroid that was discovered by German-American astronomer Christian Heinrich Friedrich Peters on September 9, 1878 in Clinton, New York and named after Phthia, a region of Ancient Greece.
  • 192 Nausikaa
    192 Nausikaa is a large main-belt S-type asteroid.
  • 323 Brucia
    323 Brucia (/ˈbruːsiə/ BREW-see-ə or /ˈbruːʃə/ BREW-shə) was the first asteroid to be discovered by the use of astrophotography.
  • 33 Polyhymnia
    33 Polyhymnia is a main belt asteroid that was discovered by French astronomer Jean Chacornac on October 28, 1854 and named after Polyhymnia, the Greek Muse of sacred hymns.
  • 341 California
    341 California is an asteroid belonging to the Flora family in the Main Belt, that has an unusually high albedo.
  • 352 Gisela
    352 Gisela is an asteroid belonging to the Flora family in the Main Belt that has an unusually high albedo.
  • 354 Eleonora
    354 Eleonora is a large, stony main-belt asteroid that was discovered by the French astronomer Auguste Charlois on January 17, 1893, in Nice.
  • 376 Geometria
    376 Geometria is a main belt asteroid that was discovered by French astronomer Auguste Charlois on September 18, 1893 in Nice, France.
  • 204 Kallisto
    204 Kallisto is a fairly typical, although sizeable Main belt asteroid.
  • 208 Lacrimosa
    208 Lacrimosa is a main-belt asteroid that was discovered by Austrian astronomer Johann Palisa on October 21, 1879, in Pola.
  • 218 Bianca
    218 Bianca is a sizeable Main belt asteroid.
  • 219 Thusnelda
    219 Thusnelda is a typical S-type Main belt asteroid.
  • 3 Juno
    Juno, minor-planet designation 3 Juno in the Minor Planet Center catalogue system, is an asteroid in the asteroid belt.
  • 179 Klytaemnestra
    179 Klytaemnestra is a fairly large main belt asteroid that was discovered by Canadian-American astronomer James Craig Watson on November 11, 1877.
  • 149 Medusa
    149 Medusa is a bright-coloured, stony main-belt asteroid that was discovered by French astronomer J.
  • 73 Klytia
    73 Klytia (/ˈklɪtiə/ KLIT-ee-ə) is a main-belt asteroid.
  • 230 Athamantis
    230 Athamantis is a fairly large main-belt asteroid that was discovered by the German-Austrian astronomer K.
  • 138 Tolosa
    138 Tolosa (Latin Tolōsa, /toʊˈloʊsə/ or /toʊˈloʊzə/; Latin pronunciation: [toˈloː.za], Occitan pronunciation: [tuˈlu.zɔ]) is a brightly coloured, stony main-belt asteroid.
  • 80 Sappho
    80 Sappho (/ˈsæfoʊ/ SAF-oh) is a large main-belt asteroid.
  • 132524 APL
    132524 APL—previously known by its provisional designation, 2002 JF56—is an asteroid in the asteroid belt approximately 2.
  • 540 Rosamunde
    540 Rosamunde is an S-type asteroid belonging to the Flora family in the Main Belt.
  • 563 Suleika
    563 Suleika is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 619 Triberga
    619 Triberga is a main belt asteroid discovered on October 22, 1906 by August Kopff at Heidelberg-Königstuhl State Observatory.
  • 630 Euphemia
    630 Euphemia is a mid-sized Eunomian asteroid.
  • 685 Hermia
    685 Hermia is an S-type asteroid belonging to the Flora family in the Main Belt.
  • 68 Leto
    68 Leto (/ˈliːtoʊ/ LEE-toh; Greek: Λητώ) is a large main belt asteroid.
  • 108 Hecuba
    108 Hecuba is a fairly large and bright main-belt asteroid.
  • 116 Sirona
    116 Sirona is a somewhat large and bright-colored main-belt asteroid that was discovered by the German-American astronomer C.
  • 119 Althaea
    119 Althaea is a main-belt asteroid that was discovered by Canadian-American astronomer J.
  • 126 Velleda
    126 Velleda is a main-belt asteroid.
  • 71 Niobe
    71 Niobe (/ˈnaɪ.əbiː/ NY-ə-bee) is a large, slowly rotating main-belt asteroid.
  • 43 Ariadne
    43 Ariadne /ˌæriˈædniː/ is a fairly large and bright main-belt asteroid.
  • 8 Flora
    8 Flora is a large, bright main-belt asteroid.
  • 15 Eunomia
    15 Eunomia is a very large asteroid in the inner asteroid belt.
  • 9 Metis
    For the moon of Jupiter, see Metis (moon).
  • 11 Parthenope
    11 Parthenope is a large, bright main-belt asteroid.
  • 63 Ausonia
    63 Ausonia (/ɔːˈsoʊniə/ aw-SOH-nee-ə) is a large main belt asteroid.
  • 151 Abundantia
    151 Abundantia is a stony main belt asteroid.
  • 167 Urda
    167 Urda is a main-belt asteroid that was discovered by German-American astronomer Christian Heinrich Friedrich Peters on August 28, 1876, in Clinton, New York, and named after Urd, one of the Norns in Norse mythology.
  • 169 Zelia
    169 Zelia is a main belt asteroid that was discovered by the brothers Paul Henry and Prosper Henry on September 28, 1876.
  • 17 Thetis
    17 Thetis is a large main-belt asteroid that was discovered by R.
  • 174 Phaedra
    174 Phaedra is a sizable, rocky main belt asteroid that was discovered by Canadian-American astronomer James Craig Watson on September 2, 1877, and named after Phaedra, the tragic lovelorn queen in Greek mythology.
  • 235 Carolina
    235 Carolina is a sizeable Main belt asteroid.
  • 244 Sita
    244 Sita is an asteroid belonging to the Flora family in the Main Belt.
  • 25143 Itokawa
    25143 Itokawa (/ˌiːtoʊˈkɑːwə/; Japanese: イトカワ [itokawa]) is an Apollo and Mars-crosser asteroid.
  • 270 Anahita
    270 Anahita is a stony S-type Main belt asteroid.
  • 287 Nephthys
    287 Nephthys is a large Main belt asteroid that was discovered by German-American astronomer C.
  • 291 Alice
    291 Alice is an asteroid belonging to the Flora family in the main belt.
  • 292 Ludovica
    292 Ludovica is a Main belt asteroid.
  • 30 Urania
    30 Urania is a large main-belt asteroid that was discovered by English astronomer John Russell Hind on July 22, 1854.
  • 443 Photographica
    443 Photographica is a typical Main belt asteroid.
  • 82 Alkmene
    82 Alkmene (/ælkˈmiːniː/ alk-MEE-nee) is a main-belt asteroid.
  • 851 Zeissia
    851 Zeissia is an S-type asteroid belonging to the Flora family in the Main Belt.
  • 883 Matterania
    883 Matterania is an S-type asteroid belonging to the Flora family in the Main Belt.
  • 878 Mildred
    878 Mildred is a minor planet in the main belt orbiting the Sun.
  • 913 Otila
    913 Otila is an S-type asteroid belonging to the Flora family of Main Belt asteroids
  • 901 Brunsia
    901 Brunsia is an S-type asteroid belonging to the Flora family in the Main Belt.
  • 915 Cosette
    915 Cosette is an S-type asteroid belonging to the Flora family of Main Belt asteroids.
  • 525 Adelaide
    525 Adelaide is an S-type asteroid belonging to the Flora family in the Main Belt.
  • 254 Augusta
    254 Augusta is a main-belt asteroid, discovered on March 31, 1886 by astronomer Johann Palisa at Vienna Observatory, Austria.
  • 864 Aase
    864 Aase is an S-type asteroid belonging to the Flora family in the Main Belt.
  • 800 Kressmannia
    800 Kressmannia is an S-type asteroid belonging to the Flora family in the Main Belt.
  • 802 Epyaxa
    802 Epyaxa, provisional designation 1915 WR, is a stony asteroid from the inner regions of the asteroid belt, about 7 kilometers in diameter.
  • 812 Adele
    812 Adele is an S-type Eunomian asteroid.
  • 817 Annika
    817 Annika is a mid-sized Eunomian asteroid.
  • 839 Valborg
    839 Valborg is a mid-sized S-type Eunomian asteroid.
  • 905 Universitas
    905 Universitas is an S-type asteroid orbiting in the Main belt as part of the Flora family.
  • 939 Isberga
    939 Isberga is an S-type asteroid belonging to the Flora family of main-belt asteroids.
  • 963 Iduberga
    963 Iduberga is an S-type asteroid belonging to the Flora family of Main Belt asteroids.