A posteriori
Based on evidence or experience
Argument constructed on possibly true facts, leading to a probable or likely conclusion
Argument for the existence of God based on the existence of the universe
God of classical theism
Relating to the concepts of God of the Western monotheistic faiths
Author of Summa Theologica
Ex nihilo
Relating to creation, meaning 'out of nothing'
Infinite regress
Chain of cause or sequence of reasoning that can never come to an end
Unmoved mover
That which causes change and motion to start and stop
Beings that depend on something else for their existence
Necessary being
Concept of an existent being which is not dependent on others for its existence. The source of existence for all contingent beings.
William Lane Craig
American Christian apologist who revived the Kalam Cosmological argument
Potential infinite
Something that has the potential to carry on if effort were applied to it
Actually infinite
Something that is actually infinite in extent; never ending sets of things or operations
Phallacy of composition
Philosophical idea that what is true of the parts is not necessarily true of the whole