2024-09-24T12:24:56+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>A posteriori </p>, <p>Inductive </p>, <p>Cosmological </p>, <p>God of classical theism </p>, <p>Aquinas </p>, <p>Ex nihilo</p>, <p>Infinite regress</p>, <p>Unmoved mover </p>, <p>Contingency </p>, <p>Necessary being </p>, <p>William Lane Craig </p>, <p>Potential infinite </p>, <p>Actually infinite </p>, <p>Phallacy of composition </p> flashcards


  • A posteriori

    Based on evidence or experience

  • Inductive

    Argument constructed on possibly true facts, leading to a probable or likely conclusion

  • Cosmological

    Argument for the existence of God based on the existence of the universe

  • God of classical theism

    Relating to the concepts of God of the Western monotheistic faiths

  • Aquinas

    Author of Summa Theologica

  • Ex nihilo

    Relating to creation, meaning 'out of nothing'

  • Infinite regress

    Chain of cause or sequence of reasoning that can never come to an end

  • Unmoved mover

    That which causes change and motion to start and stop

  • Contingency

    Beings that depend on something else for their existence

  • Necessary being

    Concept of an existent being which is not dependent on others for its existence. The source of existence for all contingent beings.

  • William Lane Craig

    American Christian apologist who revived the Kalam Cosmological argument

  • Potential infinite

    Something that has the potential to carry on if effort were applied to it

  • Actually infinite

    Something that is actually infinite in extent; never ending sets of things or operations

  • Phallacy of composition

    Philosophical idea that what is true of the parts is not necessarily true of the whole