2017-08-02T11:33:01+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Brachionus calyciflorus, Brachionus plicatilis, Cephalodella, Floscularia ringens, Habrotrocha rosa, Eurotatoria, Keratella cochlearis, Rotaria, Brachionus nilsoni, Notommatidae, Cephalodella elegans, Ploima, Adineta ricciae flashcards


  • Brachionus calyciflorus
    Brachionu calyciflorus is a planktonic rotifer species occurring in freshwater.
  • Brachionus plicatilis
    Brachionus plicatilis is a euryhaline (tolerate a wide range of salinity) rotifer in the Family Brachionidae, and is possibly the only commercially important rotifer, being raised in the aquaculture industry as food for fish larvae.
  • Cephalodella
    Cephalodella is a genus of rotifers in the family Notommatidae.
  • Floscularia ringens
    Floscularia ringens is a species of rotifer belonging to the subclass Monogononta, which resides in a tube that it builds using many little circular pellets consisting of bacteria and small pieces of detritus.
  • Habrotrocha rosa
    Habrotrocha rosa is a bdelloid rotifer that has been found in leaf litter, soil, and moss in Europe and New Zealand and also in North America within the pitchers of Sarracenia purpurea, the purple pitcher plant.
  • Eurotatoria
    Eurotatoria is a class of rotifers.
  • Keratella cochlearis
    Keratella cochlearis is a rotifer.
  • Rotaria
    Rotaria is a genus of asexual microorganism known as a bdelloid rotifer.
  • Brachionus nilsoni
    Brachionus nilsoni is a euryhaline (tolerates a wide range of salinity) rotifer in the Family Brachionidae.
  • Notommatidae
    Notommatidae is a family of rotifers in the order Ploima.
  • Cephalodella elegans
    Cephalodella elegans is a species of rotifers in the family Notommatidae.
  • Ploima
    Ploima is an order of rotifers, microscopic invertebrates found in marine and freshwater habitats.
  • Adineta ricciae
    Adineta ricciae is a species of freshwater rotifer in the family Adinetidae.