2017-07-29T00:53:31+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Legio X Gemina, Legio I Germanica, Legio VI Victrix, Legio III Augusta, Legio V Macedonica, Legio XIII Gemina, Legio II Augusta, Legio XI Claudia, Legio II Parthica, Legio XIV Gemina, Legio XXI Rapax, Legio VI Ferrata, Legio XV Apollinaris, Legio III Parthica, Legio XII Fulminata, Legio X Fretensis, Legio IX Hispana, Limitanei, Theban Legion, Legio XI, Roman legion, Legio X Equestris flashcards
Roman legions

Roman legions

  • Legio X Gemina
    Legio decima Gemina ("The Twins' Tenth Legion"), was a legion of the Imperial Roman army.
  • Legio I Germanica
    Legio I Germanica, the 1st Germanic Legion, was a legion of the Imperial Roman army, possibly founded in 48 BC by Gaius Julius Caesar to fight for him in the civil war against Pompey.
  • Legio VI Victrix
    Legio sexta victrix ("Victorious Sixth Legion") was a legion of the Imperial Roman army founded in 41 BC by the general Octavian (later known as the emperor Augustus).
  • Legio III Augusta
    Legio tertia Augusta ("Augustus' third legion") was a legion of the Imperial Roman army.
  • Legio V Macedonica
    Legio quinta Macedonica (the Fifth Macedonian Legion) was a Roman legion.
  • Legio XIII Gemina
    Legio tertia decima Geminia, in English the 13th Twin Legion, also known as Legio tertia decima Gemina, was a legion of the Imperial Roman army.
  • Legio II Augusta
    Legio secunda Augusta ("Augustus' Second Legion") was a legion of the Imperial Roman army, originally founded during the late Roman republic.
  • Legio XI Claudia
    Legio undecima Claudia ("Claudius' Eleventh Legion") was a legion of the Imperial Roman army.
  • Legio II Parthica
    Legio secunda Parthica ("Parthian-conquering Second Legion") was a legion of the Imperial Roman army founded in AD 197 by the emperor Septimius Severus (r. 193-211), for his campaign against the Parthian Empire, hence the cognomen Parthica.
  • Legio XIV Gemina
    Legio quarta decima Gemina ("The Twinned Fourteenth Legion") was a legion of the Imperial Roman army, levied by Julius Caesar in 57 B.
  • Legio XXI Rapax
    Legio vigesima prima rapax ("Rapacious Twenty-First Legion") was a legion of the Imperial Roman army.
  • Legio VI Ferrata
    Legio sexta ferrata ("Sixth Ironclad Legion") was a legion of the Imperial Roman army.
  • Legio XV Apollinaris
    Legio quinta decima Apollinaris ("Apollo's Fifteenth Legion") was a legion of the Imperial Roman army.
  • Legio III Parthica
    Legio tertia Parthica ("Parthian-conquering Third Legion") was a legion of the Imperial Roman army founded in AD 197 by the emperor Septimius Severus (r. 193-211) for his campaign against the Parthian Empire, hence the cognomen Parthica.
  • Legio XII Fulminata
    The Legio duodecima Fulminata ("Thunderbolt Twelfth Legion"), also known as Paterna, Victrix, Antiqua, Certa Constans, and Galliena, was a legion of the Imperial Roman army.
  • Legio X Fretensis
    Legio X Fretensis ("Tenth legion of the Strait") was a legion of the Imperial Roman army.
  • Legio IX Hispana
    Legio nona Hispana ("Spanish Ninth Legion"), also Legio VIIII Hispana or Legio IX Hispana, was a legion of the Imperial Roman army that existed from the 1st century BC until at least AD 120.
  • Limitanei
    The limitanei or ripenses, meaning respectively "the soldiers in frontier districts" (from the Latin phrase limes, meaning a military district of a frontier province) or "the soldiers on the riverbank" (from the Rhine and Danube), were an important part of the late Roman and early Byzantine army after the reorganizations of the late 3rd and early 4th centuries.
  • Theban Legion
    The Theban Legion (also known as the Martyrs of Agaunum) figures in Christian hagiography as an entire Roman legion — of "six thousand six hundred and sixty-six men" — who had converted en masse to Christianity and were martyred together, in 286, according to the hagiographies of Saint Maurice, the chief among the Legion's saints.
  • Legio XI
    Legio XI, along with the XII were levied by Julius Caesar in 58 BC in Cisalpine Gaul, for his war against the Nervians.
  • Roman legion
    A Roman legion (from Latin legio "military levy, conscription", from legere "to choose") was the largest unit of the Roman army involving from 3000 men in early times to over 5200 men in imperial times, consisting of centuries as the basic units.
  • Legio X Equestris
    Legio X Equestris (Latin: Tenth mounted legion), a Roman legion, was levied by Julius Caesar in 61 BC when he was the Governor of Hispania Ulterior.